
SGTM. It's not just what we return though it's also supporting UPSERT for RMR 
updates? Because our transactions are one shot I don't think you could do that 
because the statement that does INSERT IF NOT EXIST would not generate a row 
that is visible to a later UPDATE statement in the same transaction that 
increments the row.

We might also have a restriction somewhere that limits us to one update per 

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024, at 1:30 PM, Caleb Rackliffe wrote:
> It sounds like the best course of action for now would be to keep the current 
> behavior.
> However, we might want to fold this into CASSANDRA-18107 as a specific 
> concern around what we return when an explicit SELECT isn't present in the 
> transaction.
> i.e. For any update, we'll have something like (courtesy of David) UPDATED, 
> SKIPPED (condition was met but couldn't update a non-existent row), or 
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2024 at 11:42 AM Ariel Weisberg <ar...@weisberg.ws> wrote:
>> __
>> Hi,
>> I think the current behavior maps to SQL more than CQL. In SQL an update 
>> doesn't generate an error if the row to be updating doesn't exist it just 
>> return 0 rows updated.
>> If someone wanted an upsert or increment behavior in their transaction could 
>> they accomplish it with the current transaction CQL at all?
>> We could support a more optimal syntax later, but I suspect that with our 
>> one shot behavior it would get mixed up by multiple attempts to insert if 
>> not exists and then update the same row to achieve upsert.
>> Ariel
>> On Thu, Jun 20, 2024, at 4:54 PM, Caleb Rackliffe wrote:
>>> We had a bug report a while back from Luis E Fernandez and team in 
>>> CASSANDRA-18988 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-18988> 
>>> around the behavior of increments/decrements on numeric fields for 
>>> non-existent rows. Consider the following, wich can be run on the 
>>> cep-15-accord branch:
>>> CREATE KEYSPACE accord WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 
>>> 'replication_factor': '1'} AND durable_writes = true
>>> CREATE TABLE accord.accounts (
>>>     partition text,
>>>     account_id int,
>>>     balance int,
>>>     PRIMARY KEY (partition, account_id)
>>> ) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (account_id ASC) AND transactional_mode='full'
>>>     INSERT INTO accord.accounts (partition, account_id, balance) VALUES 
>>> ('default', 0, 100);
>>>     INSERT INTO accord.accounts (partition, account_id, balance) VALUES 
>>> ('default', 1, 100);
>>>     UPDATE accord.accounts SET balance -= 10 WHERE partition = 'default' 
>>> AND account_id = 1;
>>>     UPDATE accord.accounts SET balance += 10 WHERE partition = 'default' 
>>> AND account_id = 3;
>>> Reading the 'default' partition will produce the following result.
>>>  partition | account_id | balance
>>> -----------+------------+---------
>>>    default |          0 |     100
>>>    default |          1 |      90
>>> As you will notice, we have not implicitly inserted a row for account_id 3, 
>>> which does not exist when we request that its balance be incremented by 10. 
>>> This is by design, as null + 10 == null.
>>> Before I close CASSANDRA-18988 
>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CASSANDRA-18988>, *I'd like to 
>>> confirm with everyone reading this that the behavior above is reasonable*. 
>>> The only other option I've seen proposed that would make sense is perhaps 
>>> producing a result like:
>>>  partition | account_id | balance
>>> -----------+------------+---------
>>>    default |          0 |     100
>>>    default |          1 |      90
>>>    default |          3 |    null
>>> Note however that this is exactly what we would produce if we had first 
>>> inserted a row w/ no value for balance:
>>> INSERT INTO accord.accounts (partition, account_id) VALUES ('default', 3);

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