Hello everyone,

I want to continue the discussion that was originally started here
[2], however, it's better to move it to a new thread with an
appropriate title, so that everyone is aware of the replacement
library we're trying to agree on.

The question is:
Does everyone agree with using Picocli as an airlift/airline
replacement for our cli tools?
The prototype to look at is here [1].

The reasons are as follows:

Why to replace?

There are several cli tools that rely on the airlift/airline library
to mark up the commands: NodeTool, JMXTool, FullQueryLogTool,
CompactionStress (with the size of the NodeTool dominating the rest of
the tools). The airline is no longer maintained, so we will have to
update it sooner or later anyway.

What criteria?

Before we dive into the pros and cons of each candidate, I think we
have to formulate criteria for the libraries we are considering, based
on what we already have in the source code (from Cassandra's
perspective). This in itself limits the libraries we can consider.

Criteria can be as follows:
- Library licensing, including risks that it may change in the future
(the asf libs are the safest for us from this perspective);
- Similarity of library design (to the airline). This means that the
closer the libraries are, the easier it is to migrate to them, and the
easier it is to get guarantees that we haven't broken anything. The
further away the libraries are, the more extra code and testing we
- Backward compatibility. The ideal case is where the user doesn't
even notice that a different library is being used under the hood.
This includes both the help output and command output.

Of course, all libraries need to be known and well-maintained.

What candidates?


This is the well-known cli library under the Apache 2.0 license, which
is similar to what we have in source code right now. This also means
that the amount of changes (despite the number of the commands)
required to migrate what we have is quite small.
In particular, I would like to point out that:
- It allows us to unbind the jmx-specific command options from the
commands themselves, so that they can be reused in other APIs (my
- We can customize the help output so that the user doesn't notice
anything while using of the nodetool;
- The cli parser is the same as what we now do with cli arguments.

This makes the library a good candidate, but leaves open the question
of changing the license of the lib in the future. However, these risks
are relatively small because the CLI library is not a monetizable
thing, as I believe. We can also mitigate the risks copying the lib to
sources, as it mentioned here:


In terms of licenses, it is the easiest candidate for us to use as
it's under the asf, and in fact the library is already used in e.g.
BulkLoader, SSTableExpoert.
However, I'd like to point out the following disadvantages the library
has for our case:
- This is not a drop-in replacement for the airline commands, as the
lib does not have annotation for markup commands. We have to flesh out
all the options we have as java classes, or create our owns;
- Subcommands have to be supported manually, which requires extra
effort to adopt the cli parser (correct me if I'm wrong here). We have
at least several subcommands in the NodeTool e.g. cms describe, cms
- Apart from parsing the cli arguments, we need to manually initialize
the command class and set the input arguments we have.


The library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, so the situation
is the same as for Picocli. Here I'd like to point out a few things I
encountered while prototyping:
- Unbinding the jmx-specific options from commands is quite tricky and
requires touching an internal API (which I won't do). Option
inheritance is not the way to go if we want to have a clear command
hierarchy regardless of the API used.
- We won't be able to inject a Logger (the Output class in terms of
NodeTool) or other abstractions (e.g. MBeans) directly into the
commands, because it doesn't support dependency injection. This is
also part of the activity of reusing the commands in other APIs, for
instance to execute them via CQL;

More basic in comparison to the Picocli, focusing primarily on simple
annotation-based parsing and subcommands, and won't allow us to reuse
the commands outside of the cli.


The library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, and this is an
attempt to rebuild the original airline library. Currently, this is
not a drop-in replacement, as it has some minor API differences from
the original library. It is also not a better choice for us, as it has
the same drawbacks I mentioned for the previous alternatives, e.g. not
possible to unbind the specific options from the command and use them
only when commands are called from the cli.

[1] https://github.com/apache/cassandra/pull/2497/files
[2] https://lists.apache.org/thread/m9wfb3gdo9s210824c9rm2ojc9qv9412

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