On 29/03/2007, at 2:03 AM, Andrus Adamchik wrote:

I've been thinking about it some more, and IMO the problem is at a more basic level. SoC is a PR action by Google and participating orgs (including ASF), and as such for the student it does not follows ESR paradigm of scratching a personal itch.

It isn't always that way. I hang around the edges of the FreeBSD project and they have had some very successful projects:


However, of course they are in a position where they can offer a much greater variety of projects (an operating system is a big thing) and they have a project which is more well known and therefore students come in with greater starting knowledge.

So I don't think that SoC is purely a cynical marketing exercise - it can have good results in the right circumstances. The ideal student is one who cares about the project, knows enough to make a difference, and is willing to follow through even after they stop being paid because they care about what they create. If I found students like that, I'd give them a job myself.

Ari Maniatis

Aristedes Maniatis
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