On 1/08/11 10:59 PM, Andrey Razumovsky wrote:
I've found this saying URLs are not good as keys for map/set (not
performance issues though):

This explains it well:


I would suggest that Sonar actually has a very good point here, even though we 
may not hit problems often, it is certainly possible.

Author advices to use URL.toString() as key instead.

As for the false positives, I agree completely, obviously most of those ~10k
defects are false positives. This shouldn't be taken too seriously.

In my experience of using Sonar, it has been much better than other similar 
tools at finding problems. From simplistic, but useful things like:


or much more complicated things like:


And yes, there are typos which don't actually currently cause a problem (like a missing 


But they are still useful to clean for the avoidance of future bugs.

When trying to refactor packages into smaller parts, I've found the dependency 
graph very useful:


(Note that I selected one component before choosing "design" from the left menu)

We can reconfigure Sonar to suit our needs. Perhaps we don't care about 
consistent braces or useless overriding methods, so we can disable these 
warnings easily enough.

Oh, it uses a separate Jenkins install from here:



Aristedes Maniatis
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