We are using Mockito in Cayenne.

As for TestNG, I recall we did a research some time ago and found a few things 
that we might take advantage of in Cayenne. Just don’t remember what those are 


On Mar 29, 2014, at 4:00 PM, Mike Kienenberger <mkien...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For what it's worth, I upgraded my cayenne project from junit 3.8.1 to
> junit4 a couple of weeks ago.
> After a couple of days, I decided that upgrading to TestNG made more
> sense, as it supports everything that junit4 did plus a lot more.  The
> latest versions of TestNG will also run junit tests -- all 1500 of my
> tests are running under it.
> A couple of other testing libraries that I have found to be extremely
> helpful are Mockito and fest.   Mockito has greatly reduced the amount
> of work I needed to write tests, and fest has made the assertions
> human-readable.  No more wondering whether I switched expected with
> actual.
> On Sat, Mar 29, 2014 at 7:30 AM, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org> 
> wrote:
>> Just committed JUnit upgrade to version 4.11 from the ancient 3.8.1.
>> Was pleasantly surprised that it is fully backwards compatible, so we don't 
>> need to rewrite all our existing tests to use annotations. I had to do some 
>> non-test file renaming though, so that surefire-plugin does not attempt to 
>> run them as tests.
>> So for now it is business as usual, but we have the ability to use all the 
>> new features in JUnit 4, and eventually clean up our cross-DB test hacks.
>> Andrus

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