Hello Savva;

Thank you for that update. I had some thoughts on the "selectOne" interface.

I often find myself needing to assert that a single object is present after querying for it. A good example would be querying for an item of reference data by some 'code'. In this example there are three possibilities;

1) I get nothing --> runtime exception
2) I get one object --> return it
3) I get more than one object --> runtime exception

The "selectOne(..)" method will (as-built) take care of dealing with the #3 runtime exception for me, but still leaves me to handle the runtime exception for #1. I wonder if...

T selectOne(context)

...should throw a runtime exception if it finds no result instead of returning null. An additional signature...

T selectOne(context, T fallbackValue)

Could take a fallback value that could be presented in the case that the query yielded no results. This would provide the functionality as-implemented now.

Although it is not an option because of the language level of the project, returning an Optional<T> (Java 8 / guava) would also provide a good way to provide this functionality.


Andrew Lindesay

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