Hi all,
I've read about limitations on the Apache side. It turns out not so great in 
that case. There's only approved actions available and, more important, there's 
limited number of runners available for *all* Apache projects. Ifra warns that 
it could be really slow [1]
 Sunday, 10 October 2021, 10:10am +03:00 from Andrus Adamchik  
aadamc...@gmail.com :

>[1]  https://github.com/ishgroup/oncourse/actions
>Nice! FWIW Bootique is using Github Actions for its dozens of modules, 
>including cross-DB tests. A huge improvement over Travis.
> However a bit more limited with regard to database choices.
>We can run tests against any database that has a Docker image. SQLServer does. 
>(We should also switch to Testcontainers for managing dockerized tested 
>services, but that's a separate discussion and does not affect a CI/CD choice).
>Aurora is cloud-based of course, so we'll need to program provisioning the 
>test DB ourselves, but as long as a build agent has internet access, this 
>should be doable.
> Are we limited at all within the Apache project with how we can configure 
> Actions?
>Haven't tried it, good question. I hope not and it is all straight GitHub.
> On Oct 10, 2021, at 9:59 AM, Aristedes Maniatis < a...@ish.com.au.INVALID> 
> wrote:
> On 10/10/21 5:26pm, Andrus Adamchik wrote:
>> BTW, we should probably move to Github Actions for CI/CD. Much faster than 
>> Travis.
> I've got a bit of experience [1] with github actions in some of my other open 
> source projects, and mostly they are very good. Ties in nicely with pull 
> requests as well. However a bit more limited with regard to database choices. 
> Ideally we'd want databases like SQL Server, AWS Aurora, etc in our test 
> suite.
> Are we limited at all within the Apache project with how we can configure 
> Actions?
> Ari
> [1]  https://github.com/ishgroup/oncourse/actions

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