Hi Pepijn,

Good Idea - separating documentation into a dedicated
git repo could give us more flexibility e.g of the organization
of the docs which in turn will help users to pick it up more easily.
So definitely no objections from my side.

Anyway, I wanted to point you to hugo[1] as an alternative
to jekyll. Saying this, I  should mention that I do not have any
experience with jekyll, but I really like hugo for it's simplicity.

So maybe your student wants to give it a try as well.


[1] https://gohugo.io/

On 02.10.2017 21:06, Pepijn Noltes wrote:
> Hi All,
> I currently mentoring a student with the assignment to update/redesign the
> Celix website.
> There are a few reasons why I think a update for the website is needed.
> First of IMO we could do a better job in explaining the ideas behind and
> benefits of Celix, how Celix works and the plain look & feel of the website
> can be improved.
> But also for a technical point of view I would like to move away from the
> svnpubsub mechanisme to a more git friendly approach.
> The latter I like to discuss in this mail.
> Personally I like the way Apache Beam has organised it's website.
> They have a separate git repository for their website [1] and use jekyll
> [2] to generate most html files from markdown files.
> If I am correct this means that we can still mainly use markdown files to
> write and maintain the Celix website and use a (IMO) more friendly
> environment to generate and commit the website.
> [1] https://github.com/apache/beam-site
> [2] http://jekyllrb.com
> Let me know what you think if this approach. If nobody disagrees I will go
> ahead and see what step we can take to arrange this.
> Greetings,
> Pepijn

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