Hi all,

Quite soon after accepting the HTTP admin donation we now received
another donation.

A couple of hours ago Roy Bulter created a pull request for adding a new
pubsub admin to Celix [1]. This pubsub admin is using TCP instead
of ZeroMQ or UDP MC as communication technique. No third party
dependencies are added.

Because the TCP pubsub admin donation is developed outside of the
ASF version control and mailing list, this donation will need to be
formally accepted and follow the IP clearance procedure [2].

I would like to start a formal vote on accepting this code. If the vote is
successful I will start with the IP clearance.

Please vote:

[ ] +1 Accept this donation.
[ ] 0 Don't care
[ ] -1 Don't accept this donation (please motivate your vote).


[1]: https://github.com/apache/celix/pull/36
[2]: http://incubator.apache.org/ip-clearance/

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