The exception is returned by the server. If the server doesn't support it, the client has to work around it.
Sorry, there is no magic on the client side.

- Florian

thanks, Florian. I understand better now how query works.

The problem is for each returned result we obtain all versions
seperately, which impacts performance. Seems like we cannot go
differently about this, as when we set searchAllVersions to true we
get an exception:

CmisInvalidArgumentException: Search all version is not supported!

Is there other way to query results with all versions, rather than
lazy load them?


On 2017-11-02 19:11, Florian Müller <> wrote:
Hi Krzysztof,

see this page:

- Florian

> Hello All
> Do you experience any performance problems while talking to DMS repo using 
open cmis library?
> For example, when you make a call session.queryObjects() it fetches the data 
making additional calls to repository (discoveryService.query()).  Any time each 
of the calls is made, we need to authenticate plus have the request processed by 
document repository. This increase the overall time to complete a task.
> Is there a way to optimize these? like fetch data as a whole in one call, 
rather than splitting it to separate calls?
> Do I need to configure cmis session to make efficient calls?
> Kind Regards
> Krzysztof

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