I believe the current workflow has inhibited progress and caused tension. 
Although I've been more of an observer than contributor it seems to me that 
when your community is small that the emphasis should be on allowing as Chris 
states for people to "scratch their own itch." Additionally, I've seen at times 
that reviews have focused on minor items and that discussions often took longer 
than either side reaching out to the other to help get the patch in and build 
community and camaraderie amongst all those that are already committers. This 
has gone on to the extent that appears detrimental to the project.

I would actively support CTR at this point so that energy and progress can be 
infused. Sure this could cause some technical debt to build up but community 
over code would seemingly once again come to the forefront which appears to be 
lacking at the moment.


Paul Ramirez, M.S.
Technical Group Supervisor
Computer Science for Data Intensive Applications (398M)
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 158-264, Mailstop: 158-242
Email: paul.m.rami...@jpl.nasa.gov<mailto:paul.m.rami...@jpl.nasa.gov>
Office: 818-354-1015
Cell: 818-395-8194

On May 12, 2015, at 9:33 AM, "Mattmann, Chris A (3980)" 

I don’t think we should dictate everything be code reviewed. I’ve
seen this directly lead to conversations that are relevant to
development being buried in Github. Take for example your and
Whitehall’s conversation(s) with Kyo that I doubt anyone here has
ever seen since they aren’t even commenting on the Github. Yes,
Github emails are sent to the dev list, my guess is that people
ignore them.

On the code review issue - Kyo (or others) shouldn’t have to endlessly
debate or discuss the advantages or disadvantages of this or that
before simply pushing code, and pushing tests. My general rule of
thumb is that there are CTR and RTC workflows and use cases for
both. RTC works great when it’s possibly controversial or when you
really want someone’s eyes on your code for review. However it’s
also overhead that I do not believe is needed if a developer wants
to push forward and scratch his or her itch, in an area of the
codebase that they are working on. The codebase is factored out
enough reasonably well so that people can work on things in parallel
and independently. When in doubt, ask.

I’m also pretty worried since anyone that looks at the Git and
project history over the last year can easily see that Mike has
pretty much been doing the bulk load of the pushing and code
committing here. Kim’s stepped up recently as has Kyo, which is
3 people, which is great, but I’m worried about a project with
a small number of active developers (really 1 major) imposing
RTC - I don’t have time to look up citations but you are free
to scope these out over the ASF archives. RTC on smaller projects
just leads to barriers. We need to be flexible and make it inviting
for at the very least, our own developers to contribute to the project,
let along attracting new people. Ross was elected in December 2014,
which is great, but we need to do better.


Chris Mattmann, Ph.D.
Chief Architect
Instrument Software and Science Data Systems Section (398)
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 USA
Office: 168-519, Mailstop: 168-527
Email: chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov<mailto:chris.a.mattm...@nasa.gov>
WWW:  http://sunset.usc.edu/~mattmann/
Adjunct Associate Professor, Computer Science Department
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Joyce <jo...@apache.org<mailto:jo...@apache.org>>
Reply-To: "dev@climate.apache.org<mailto:dev@climate.apache.org>" 
Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 8:55 AM
To: "dev@climate.apache.org<mailto:dev@climate.apache.org>" 
Subject: Project Workflow

Hi folks,

Since this has been brought up a few times on various tickets I thought
would be a good time to go over our project workflow and make sure it's
working for us.

A general overview of the workflow that we use is available at [1]. A
overview is that:
- ALL changes are pushed up to Github for code review before being merged.
- If no issues are raised within a reasonable amount of time (usually 72
hours is what I stick with) those changes can be merged.

In general, I've been quite happy with this workflow. We have a low enough
throughput that this isn't overwhelming and I think it's great that we can
get together and review each other's code. I know I appreciate the
opportunity for people to find issues with my code before we merge it. I
think it would be beneficial to flesh out the docs a bit more on the
workflow (for instance, how to run tests should be included in there, how
long to wait for a merge, etc.). So community, what do we think of our
workflow? Do we like it so far? Is it working for us? Are there pain
points? What don't we like? Etc.


-- Jimmy

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