On Wed, Apr 03, 2013 at 07:31:19PM -0700, Jessica Tomechak wrote:
> In this morning's IRC chat, it was very properly pointed out that
> CloudStack could use more doc writers.
> We have a backlog of suggestions for large, new documentation projects. We
> collected these suggestions under the Doc Writers wiki page. I have just
> opened Jira tickets for each of the items, to make them more visible and
> easier to grab for whatever new OSS writers are interested!
> Please feel free to add more items, or vote up/down on any of the suggested
> new documents, or assign a ticket to yourself and write.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Documentation+Suggestion+Box
> Cheers,
> Jessica T.

This is great...  but do you (others) have any ideas about how we can
attract new tech writers to the project?  I think that we obviously have
*lots* of work to do, which frankly can even go into helping to curate
the wiki, etc...  My personal concern is getting enough volunteers to
work on all of this!

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