Can you file a bug and submit a patch with the fix?  Thanks for the report!

On Apr 8, 2013, at 4:47 PM, "Yi, John" <> wrote:

> CLOUD-INIT 0.7.2 is using a boto library which hardcodes part of the path for 
> getting the metadata for a VM instance. One fix is to add the following rules 
> to the routervm’s docroot /var/www/html/latest/.htaccess:
> RewriteRule ^meta-data/$ ../metadata/%{REMOTE_ADDR}/meta-data [L,NC,QSA]
> RewriteRule ^meta-data/(.*)$ ../metadata/%{REMOTE_ADDR}/$1 [L,NC,QSA]
> I’ve tested this with my CentOS 6 VMs and this fix seems to solve the issue 
> without requiring code changes within cloud-init or boto.
> John

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