-----Original Message-----
From: Chip Childers [mailto:chip.child...@sungard.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2013 10:18 PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Cc: Alena Prokharchyk
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] - Deletion of Users within the Admin account

On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 04:31:41PM +0000, Pranav Saxena wrote:
> HI,
> Do we allow deletion of users created by the admin within the admin account ? 
> Currently if we  see the UI (4.1 /master) and create a User within the admin 
> account you won't be able to delete any user . Now when you create a user , 
> its account type is 1 , account is Admin and domain is ROOT . With this in 
> mind ,  how do you distinguish between the system generated Admin user and a 
> manual generated user .
> Also  , the delete User API if invoked for the admin himself will delete the 
> admin account leading to a big problem , since the admin won't be able to 
> login to the UI as his credentials will be deleted from the db.  So first of 
> all we should have a check at the API layer to disallow such an action .
> Next , If I need to put a check at the UI layer to hide/show delete options , 
> what would be the right conditions needed to be checked to distinguish 
> between the system generated user and admin generated manual users ?
> Thanks,
> Pranav

Is this discussion tied to CLOUDSTACK-1941?
[Pranav] - yes , it is 

Is the current state of 4.1 and master a change in behaviour from 4.0.0?
[Pranav] - I didn't check 4.0 but the behavior in 4.1 and master seem to be 
exactly the same . 

If it isn't a change, I'd like to propose that we set the fix version to
4.2.0 at a minimum.  Pending the outcome of this discussion thread, perhaps it 
will be closed with "won't fix", or perhaps it gets fixed.
[Pranav] - Since the bug was marked as Critical for 4.1 , we can fix it in both 
. It is definitely an API bug which needs to be fixed as admin account should 
not be allowed to be deleted . Moreover from the UI perspective , I need a 
condition to distinguish between the two types of users to showcase delete 
options on the UI accordingly.

If it *is* a change, can we implement a fix that restores past behaviour as a 
first step?
[Pranav] - I believe , it should be a "demanding" change if at all 4.0 is also 
having a similar behavior ( which I am not sure of right now) since 
conceptually and technically we should not be following the current behavior in 
any version .


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