Members present: Animesh, vogxn, chipc, Humbedooh, jzb, sangeetha, ke4qqq, 
kdamage_, edison_cs, sudhap_, Chandan, serverchief, sudhap

Meeting summary:

1. Preface

2. Active Feature Release: Overall Status

3. Active Feature Release: QA Status

4. Active Feature Release: Docs Status
  a. sangeetha file a jira doc bug for the IPv6 template procedure (jzb, 4)

5. Active Feature Release: Additional Issues?

6. Active Bugfix Release

7. Master Branch
  a. Animesh put out tentative schedule for 4.2.0 (jzb, 7)

8. Infra

9. Others?

- sangeetha file a jira doc bug for the IPv6 template procedure (jzb, 17:24:31)
- Animesh put out tentative schedule for 4.2.0 (jzb, 17:31:09)

IRC log follows:

# 1. Preface #
17:05:31 [jzb]: reminder - it's courteous to end your comments, etc. with EOF 
when you're done talking so we know you're done

# 2. Active Feature Release: Overall Status #
17:05:54 [jzb]: chipc: want to take it away?
17:05:56 [chipc]: overall status = we have some bugs
17:06:02 [chipc]: let's list 'em
17:06:03 [chipc]: CLOUDSTACK-1934
17:06:16 [chipc]: nobody has taken it
17:06:19 [chipc]: so we need a fix
17:06:26 [chipc]: CLOUDSTACK-1971
17:06:39 [chipc]: Prachi is looking into that one
17:06:46 [chipc]: CLOUDSTACK-1978
17:07:03 [chipc]: unassigned as well... 
17:07:09 [chipc]: but I'lll ping Hugo about it
17:07:17 [chipc]: CLOUDSTACK-1987
17:07:25 [chipc]: unassigned
17:07:32 [chipc]: CLOUDSTACK-1988
17:07:46 [chipc]: Likitha has that one
17:07:54 [chipc]: so that's the list of the bug's I'm tracking
17:08:01 [chipc]: packaging for RPM's is "done"
17:08:09 [jzb]: chipc: when did that come in?
17:08:18 [chipc]: jzb: what?
17:08:24 [jzb]: chipc: RPMs
17:08:46 [chipc]: Hugo told be in the ML that we were done with RPM packaging 
last week I think
17:08:48 [jzb]: ok
17:08:54 [chipc]: or over the weekend
17:09:09 [jzb]: what's the state of debian packages?
17:09:11 [chipc]: widodh told me he's done with DEB packaging as well, and 
anything outstanding is new bug to him
17:09:19 [chipc]: again, that was in the last day or so
17:09:31 [jzb]: Hm. OK, I tried doing debs yesterday and had no joy
17:09:33 [jzb]: I'll retry
17:09:39 [chipc]: he knocked out the last couple of obviously deb packaging 
related bugs
17:09:49 [chipc]: jzb: please do, and open blockers if you can't get it to work
17:10:03 [jzb]: yep
17:10:16 [chipc]: so those bugs, plus the word from you (jzb = you) on the 
release notes
17:10:24 [chipc]: then I think we are ready
17:10:31 [chipc]: so EOF on the overview
17:10:39 [jzb]: chipc: OK, shall we talk release notes now or wait for docs?
17:10:54 [chipc]: docs sounds like a good topic
17:10:56 [chipc]: for that
17:11:01 [jzb]: OK

# 3. Active Feature Release: QA Status #
17:11:33 [jzb]: sudhap: have some good news for us on QA status?
17:11:46 [sudhap]: jzb:QA is done with testing
17:11:54 [sudhap]: only outstanding issues need to be closed
17:11:56 [chipc]: sudhap: great work to everyone btw
17:12:09 [sudhap]: testing is not active on 41 as far as I can tell
17:12:31 [sudhap]: chipc:thanks 
17:12:39 [chipc]: sedhap: agreed that I think we are set with testing...  at 
least beyond retest of the final bugs
17:12:56 [jzb]: OK
17:12:56 [sudhap]: I am reviewing outstanding resolved new and improvements and 
trying to see what is outstanding
17:13:18 [sudhap]: only few items left to be closed
17:13:25 [sudhap]: following up on those and closing them 
17:13:39 [sudhap]: through JIRA tickets
17:14:02 [sudhap]: will be done in a day or two unless some QA work is pending 
but mostly it is just confirmation as work has been done
17:14:17 [sudhap]: if owner can review and close them it would be clean
17:14:46 [sudhap]: EOF on overall QA unless someone else bring up other concerns
17:15:01 [jzb]: sudhap: thanks!

# 4. Active Feature Release: Docs Status #
17:15:39 [jzb]: OK, the biggie here is release notes
17:15:54 [jzb]: the good news is that I've made pretty good progress on the 4.0 
-> 4.1 upgrade 
17:16:09 [jzb]: also, getting closer on getting the API info
17:16:25 [jzb]: Alena has been very helpful on that, I just need to figure out 
the appropriate class path and see if that works.
17:16:54 [jzb]: the bad news is that there's still a fair amount to do on the 
4.0 -> upgrade since the RPM procedure isn't documented elsewhere AFAIK
17:17:02 [jzb]: and we'll need to review the release notes heavily once they're 
17:17:31 [ke4qqq]: jzb: I can either provide steps or perhaps pick up docs 
17:18:01 [jzb]: ke4qqq: thanks
17:18:16 [jzb]: we still have a few incomplete feature docs for 4.1.0  as well
17:18:24 [sangeetha]: This is regarding IPV6 templates ...
17:18:31 [chipc]: jzb: do you happen to have the list?
17:18:39 [jzb]: they're not blockers, though _ I guess 
17:18:41 [jzb]: CLOUDSTACK-827
17:18:50 [jzb]: unassigned
17:18:58 [jzb]: CLOUDSTACK-862
17:19:03 [chipc]: jzb: I'd not want them to block, but that does suck
17:19:11 [jzb]: CLOUDSTACK-1965
17:19:25 [jzb]: CLOUDSTACK-387
17:19:33 [ke4qqq]: are we sure Hugo didn't already take care of 862?
17:19:40 [ke4qqq]: ACTION thought I saw that somewhere
17:19:55 [jzb]: ke4qqq: if he did, the ticket hasn't been updated
17:19:55 [chipc]: he mihgt not have know about the specific bug, but may have 
done the actual docs
17:19:58 [jzb]: I don't see a commit
17:20:18 [jzb]: last comment on the ticket is from Chip
17:20:25 [jzb]: about big switch plugin and midonet
17:21:03 [jzb]: EOF from me
17:21:10 [sangeetha]: The templates for IPV6 feature needs to uploaded to a 
specific location and  and release notes and docs need to include pointers to 
this location
17:21:10 [jzb]: any other comments on docs?
17:21:40 [sudhap_]: sangeetha: is there a defect for it
17:21:40 [ke4qqq]: sangeetha: has it been uploaded somewhere? 
17:21:40 [jzb]: sangeetha: is there a bug ID?
17:21:48 [sangeetha]: Should I log a jira doc bug for this ?
17:21:49 [sangeetha]: No ,,not yet 
17:22:03 [jzb]: sangeetha: yes, please
17:22:10 [sangeetha]: Will do that ..
17:22:18 [Chandan]: We should make sure that the System VM Template seeding 
procedure mentioned about these new templates
17:22:47 [Chandan]: refers to the old templates only
17:23:32 [jzb]: Chandan: it'd be helpful to mention that in the Jira issue
17:23:41 [jzb]: and point to the specific point in the docs where you think it 
17:23:48 [jzb]: any other doc issues?
17:24:09 [jzb]: OK, moving on
17:24:09 [jzb]: oh, wait
17:24:31 [jzb]: #action sangeetha file a jira doc bug for the IPv6 template 

# 5. Active Feature Release: Additional Issues? #
17:24:54 [jzb]: any additional topics we have haven't covered?
17:25:41 [jzb]: OK, next

# 6. Active Bugfix Release #
17:26:10 [jzb]: So, progress on 4.0.2 has actually gone backwards this week. 
17:26:19 [jzb]: we have two blocker bugs against 4.0.2
17:26:25 [jzb]: CLOUDSTACK-528 
17:26:31 [jzb]: is unassigned
17:27:24 [jzb]: Would be great if we can get someone to look at that. Uncertain 
if we're going to get 4.0.2 out before 4.1.0
17:28:09 [jzb]: EOF
17:28:19 [jzb]: anything else on 4.0.2?
17:28:39 [jzb]: OK

# 7. Master Branch #
17:29:31 [chipc]: Animesh: I think it's time to get a schedule published for 
17:30:25 [chipc]: ok, so apparently nobody here wants to talk about master
17:30:31 [Animesh]: Sure chip I will do that
17:30:39 [chipc]: ah, there you are!
17:30:41 [ke4qqq]: BVT looks to be delivering some value already
17:30:55 [chipc]: Animesh: yeah, so the "master" topic is yours now
17:31:01 [Animesh]: yes got distracted
17:31:09 [jzb]: #action Animesh put out tentative schedule for 4.2.0
17:31:10 [chipc]: master = 4.2.0 now

# 8. Infra #
17:32:02 [jzb]: a couple of things on Infra from me
17:32:16 [jzb]: I have opened tickets for a few things with Infra that are 
waiting on attention
17:32:24 [jzb]: INFRA-6130
17:32:39 [jzb]: Humbedooh: that trick only works with CLOUDSTACK tickets, eh?
17:32:55 [jzb]: anyway, INFRA-6130 is to update the GitHub mirror of our git 
17:33:01 [chipc]: it's per channel
17:33:09 [jzb]: it hasn't updated since we switched, so it's frozen at March 20 
or so.
17:33:31 [jzb]: and we do have a few people who are still looking at it, 
apparently, so we do need to move on that.
17:34:01 [jzb]: ke4qqq: we also have some coming issues with the 
domain being handled by ASF, yes?
17:34:24 [ke4qqq]: jzb: yes
17:35:16 [jzb]: OK
17:35:39 [jzb]: any other infra issues?
17:35:54 [vogxn]: jzb: github apache not updating 
17:35:55 [vogxn]: after graduation
17:36:01 [ke4qqq]: that's INFRA-6130
17:36:01 [jzb]: vogxn: ^^
17:36:09 [vogxn]: aha. 
17:36:31 [vogxn]: no other issues thne
17:36:39 [jzb]: groovy

# 9. Others? #
17:36:48 [jzb]: any other topics we need to cover today?
17:37:01 [jzb]: Looking forward to the video of ke4qqq and chipc holding forth 
on FLOSS Weekly
17:37:17 [chipc]: jzb: did you watch it?
17:37:31 [ke4qqq]: chipc did a wonderful job. 
17:37:40 [jzb]: chipc: unfortunately, no - I had a phone call at that time 
about a local event
17:37:40 [chipc]: blah
17:38:03 [chipc]: welp, cool...  we'll get the link to the video out when it's 
17:38:19 [jzb]: OK
17:38:26 [jzb]: well, I'll toss in one additional issue
17:38:41 [jzb]: we could use more folks blogging about their work on CloudStack 
17:39:04 [jzb]: I realize that doesn't come automatically to folks, but we 
could use more voices in the community 
17:39:11 [chipc]: +1
17:39:12 [jzb]: we do a lot of good work, but we're very very quiet about it
17:39:34 [jzb]: that's all I've got
17:39:34 [ke4qqq]: speaking of
17:39:43 [ke4qqq]: we talked about feature blogs
17:39:49 [jzb]: ke4qqq: yes
17:39:58 [ke4qqq]: so vogxn which feature do you want to blog about this week?
17:40:03 [Humbedooh]: jzb: only with cloudstack tickets in here, yes (at the 
17:40:19 [vogxn]: who me? :)
17:40:20 [ke4qqq]: Animesh: which feature would you like to blog about this week
17:40:25 [ke4qqq]: ?
17:40:25 [ke4qqq]: vogxn: yes you :) 
17:40:36 [chipc]: ke4qqq: taking regions ;-)
17:40:40 [ke4qqq]: ACTION will help you get a blog on planet.a.o - and we'll 
start your blogging career
17:40:48 [vogxn]: umm .. i'll pick something
17:41:03 [vogxn]: sure
17:41:03 [vogxn]: why not
17:41:10 [chipc]: vogxn: why so!
17:41:10 [vogxn]: i can write. I think
17:41:24 [chipc]: it's OK if you do it as poetry
17:41:24 [ke4qqq]: you can - and we'll make you a rockstar
17:41:26 [ke4qqq]: Animesh: ?? 
17:41:31 [vogxn]: haha
17:41:32 [ke4qqq]: which feature do you want to blog about? 
17:41:39 [jzb]: btw - if you (universal you, not anyone in particular) need or 
want help polishing a draft
17:41:39 [Animesh]: Yes still thinking
17:41:39 [jzb]: just ask on the marketing@ list
17:41:54 [ke4qqq]: serverchief: picking on you too? Can you pick up a 4.1 
feature to blog about this week? 
17:41:54 [jzb]: plenty of folks will be happy to help, I'm sure
17:42:31 [ke4qqq]: kdamage_: ping - you too - can you pick one up? 
17:42:40 [chipc]: ACTION thinks ke4qqq missed poking edison_cs and chiradeep 
with his blog stick
17:43:01 [ke4qqq]: ohhh and edison_cs, sudhap - if you don't respond to me, 
I'll be sending an email on list and asking you directly :) 
17:43:33 [chipc]: jzb: I think we've hit EOF on this one...  ;-)
17:43:35 [ke4qqq]: sangeetha: would you like to blog about one of the 4.1 
17:43:40 [jzb]: groovy
17:43:48 [jzb]: anything else? 
17:43:50 [sangeetha]: blog ?
17:44:10 [chipc]: sangeetha: yeah!
17:44:10 [sangeetha]: I have not done blogging before ..
17:44:18 [chipc]: you've tested them, so why not write up a quick blurb about 
17:44:25 [ke4qqq]: sangeetha: we should change that! 
17:44:25 [edison_cs]: where to blog?
17:44:33 [vogxn]: planet.a.o
17:44:40 [ke4qqq]: edison_cs: create an account on is the easiest 
17:44:48 [jzb]: sangeetha: there's no time like the present. It's just like 
writing an email, except you stick it someplace more visible. 
17:45:02 [sangeetha]: I have tested IPV6 and AWS feature ..for both these 
features we dont have UI exposed ...
17:45:04 [ke4qqq]: edison_cs: we'll set it up to be aggregated on planet.a.o
17:45:09 [chipc]: vogxn: planet.a.o is only an aggregator of feeds
17:45:09 [jzb]: sangeetha: that's OK
17:45:18 [jzb]: sangeetha: people still need to know about them
17:45:18 [ke4qqq]: sangeetha: sounds awesome!!! 
17:45:25 [ke4qqq]: I'd love to see a blog post about either or both
17:45:33 [jzb]: sangeetha: with no UI, it's doubly important to point it out.
17:45:35 [edison_cs]: where is your guys's blog?
17:45:40 [sangeetha]: Ok ..I will attempt ...
17:45:40 [chipc]: sangeetha: +1 those features are the best ones to blog about, 
since we don't have as many docs!
17:45:53 [ke4qqq]: edison_cs: mine is
17:45:55 [vogxn]: chipc: ah yes. i'll get me a domain
17:46:02 [chipc]: edison_cs: I pay for a site
17:46:25 [chipc]: edison_cs: but you don't have to do that...  lots of free 
blogging sites
17:46:39 [jzb]: +1
17:46:42 [kdamage_]: sorry ke4qqq missed that
17:47:16 [ke4qqq]: kdamage_: no problems - want to pick a 4.1 feature to blog 
17:47:31 [ke4qqq]: kdamage_: make sure we get you aggregated on planet before 
you post it :) 
17:47:41 [kdamage_]: I can take an easy one, my plate is over flowing with May 
5th elections comming up.
17:47:54 [jzb]: kdamage_: are you running?
17:47:54 [ke4qqq]: kdamage_: awesome, thanks for stepping up
17:47:57 [serverchief]: can we create a list of features that need attention 
and then we devide and conquer?
17:48:16 [jzb]: serverchief: sure, basically the list of features mentioned in 
the draft announcement
17:48:16 [kdamage_]: lol I do infra , I wish I was running ...'CloudStack for 
17:48:55 [serverchief]: jzb and ke4qqq, i'll try my best, i'm bit swamped with 
all that goes on this week
17:49:09 [jzb]: serverchief: thanks
17:49:16 [ke4qqq]: serverchief: we can let it slip to next week if need be, but 
thanks for stepping up
17:49:16 [jzb]: OK, action item to all: Pick a feature and blog on it
17:49:26 [serverchief]: i will have a major contribution coming though, i'm 
making a video of how to get CS to work with VSphere
17:49:33 [ke4qqq]: serverchief: AWESOME!!!!
17:49:47 [kdamage_]: Very much needed
17:51:09 [jzb]: if we have no further topics to discuss, let's go forth and 
make CloudStack more awesome

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