Hi all,

I need your help clearing out the following bugs...  if you have one
assigned to you, please see if you can get it completed.  If you have
any time available, and think you can help resolve one of the unassigned
ones, please jump in!  We're obviously behind the schedule that we set
for ourselves, so I'd love to see the community come together for a
final push to get 4.1.0 out the door.

CLOUDSTACK-2007 Release Notes failing to build on jenkins.cs.o
Currently unassigned - Joe looked into it, and he thinks this is a 
build server issue.  Can someone please take a look?

CLOUDSTACK-1934 NPE with listSupportedNetworkServices after upgrade from 4.0 to 
4.1 (Ubuntu MS) 

CLOUDSTACK-1978 openvswitch - unable to start console session for SSVM CPVM 
user VMs

CLOUDSTACK-1987 Deleted service offerings owned by a domain show up to domain 

CLOUDSTACK-1997 Upload and Document IPV6 specific system templates. 
Unassigned - Who wants to host the template (wido?), and then we need to
add it to the IPv6 docs.

Last but not least, we still need to wrap up any final docs (including
Release Notes, which I consider a blocker right now).  Joe, do you want
/ need help with the Release Notes?  Other doc folks, anything that's in
progress that we can get over the line would be appreciated.  The same
goes for translations that may be outstanding...

Let's get 4.1.0 out!


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