>>The XenServer (6.0.2) I am using already came bundled with vhd-util, I 
>>did not have to download it. I have not read the detail of

Hi Soheil,

We added one function in vhd-util, which allows vhd-util specifiy parent when 
do coalesce, basically you can coalesce a VHD file to other VHD file. 
CS uses this vhd-util function in API creating template/volume from snapshot.  
These APIs might not work with bundled vhd-util in XenServer.


-----Original Message-----
From: Soheil Eizadi [mailto:seiz...@infoblox.com] 
Sent: Saturday, April 13, 2013 11:05 PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: deployDataCenter.py doesn't work for me on master

Downloaded the vhd-util to my environment and had the same problem. I Debugged 
this further by running the copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh on the XenServer. 
It looks like the copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh is looking for vhd-util in 
/opt/xensource/bin/ rather than /usr/bin/

I looked at this further and looks like what is built in the client/target 
directory is not consistent with what is in the ./scripts/vm in my tree.
There are two versions of copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh.

I removed the client/target directory and rebuilt, but had the same files 
appear again. I am not sure how they are getting pulled in to the client/target 
directory. Any ideas why my build is broken and how to proceed to fix this?

For now I patched this on my XenServer and was able to get ssvm and cproxyvm 
running and brought up my CloudStack zone completely.

Administrators-MacBook-Pro-7:cloudstack seizadi$ find . -name 

Administrators-MacBook-Pro-7:cloudstack seizadi$ find . -name 
copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh -exec diff 
erver/copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh {} \;
< VHDUTIL="/opt/xensource/bin/vhd-util"
> VHDUTIL="/usr/bin/vhd-util"
<     if [ $type != "nfs" -a $type != "ext" ]; then
>     if [ $type != "nfs" -a $type != "ext" -a $type != "file" ]; then
<   desvhd=/var/run/sr-mount/$sruuid/$uuid.vhd
>   desvhd=/run/sr-mount/$sruuid/$uuid.vhd
> elif [ $type == "file" ]; then
>   pbd=`xe sr-param-list uuid=$sruuid |grep PBDs | awk '{print $3}'`
>   path=`xe pbd-param-list uuid=$pbd |grep device-config |awk '{print 
>   desvhd=$path/$uuid.vhd
>   copyvhd $desvhd $vhdfile 0 $type
< VHDUTIL="/opt/xensource/bin/vhd-util"
> VHDUTIL="/usr/bin/vhd-util"
<     if [ $type != "nfs" -a $type != "ext" ]; then
>     if [ $type != "nfs" -a $type != "ext" -a $type != "file" ]; then
<   desvhd=/var/run/sr-mount/$sruuid/$uuid.vhd
>   desvhd=/run/sr-mount/$sruuid/$uuid.vhd
> elif [ $type == "file" ]; then
>   pbd=`xe sr-param-list uuid=$sruuid |grep PBDs | awk '{print $3}'`
>   path=`xe pbd-param-list uuid=$pbd |grep device-config |awk '{print 
>   desvhd=$path/$uuid.vhd
>   copyvhd $desvhd $vhdfile 0 $type

[root@xenserver-devcloud /]# copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh
7e934fee-96b5-b297-2c25-b20a14139fd9 DEVTEST
/opt/xensource/bin/copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh: line 133:
/opt/xensource/bin/vhd-util: No such file or directory
Error: Failed to parse field 'virtual-size': expecting an integer (possibly 
with suffix) 9#can not create vdi in sr 7e934fee-96b5-b297-2c25-b20a14139fd9

[root@xenserver-devcloud /]# cp /usr/sbin/vhd-util /opt/xensource/bin/vhd-util 
[root@xenserver-devcloud /]# copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh
7e934fee-96b5-b297-2c25-b20a14139fd9 DEVTEST
1001+1 records in
1001+1 records out
2101252608 bytes (2.1 GB) copied, 178.662 seconds, 11.8 MB/s

On 4/12/13 5:04 PM, "Chiradeep Vittal" <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com> wrote:

>Because of this
>On 4/12/13 4:32 PM, "Soheil Eizadi" <seiz...@infoblox.com> wrote:
>>That patch is about downloading vhd-util to XenServer.
>>The XenServer (6.0.2) I am using already came bundled with vhd-util, I 
>>did not have to download it. I have not read the detail of 
>>copy_vhd_from_secondarystorage.sh which throws the error to figure out 
>>exactly why it is failing in my environment. I have used this same 
>>XenServer image with Citrix Cloud Platform 3.0.6 distribution and it 
>>worked fine (which is based on CloudStack 4.x as I understand.) 
>>[root@xenserver-devcloud /]# which vhd-util /usr/sbin/vhd-util
>>[root@xenserver-devcloud /]# vhd-util read -p -n 
>>VHD Footer Summary:
>>Cookie              : conectix
>>Features            : (0x00000002) <RESV>
>>File format version : Major: 1, Minor: 0
>>Data offset         : 512
>>Timestamp           : Thu Apr 11 19:06:47 2013
>>Creator Application : 'tap'
>>Creator version     : Major: 1, Minor: 3
>>Creator OS          : Unknown!
>>Original disk size  : 2 MB (2097152 Bytes)
>>Current disk size   : 2 MB (2097152 Bytes)
>>Geometry            : Cyl: 60, Hds: 4, Sctrs: 17
>>                    : = 1 MB (2088960 Bytes)
>>Disk type           : Dynamic hard disk
>>Checksum            : 0xfffff172|0xfffff172 (Good!)
>>UUID                : 6157192c-bf61-4c56-a859-e32f61ad76f8
>>Saved state         : No
>>Hidden              : 0
>>VHD Header Summary:
>>Cookie              : cxsparse
>>Data offset (unusd) : 18446744073709
>>Table offset        : 1536
>>Header version      : 0x00010000
>>Max BAT size        : 1
>>Block size          : 2097152 (2 MB)
>>Parent name         :
>>Parent UUID         : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
>>Parent timestamp    : Sat Jan  1 00:00:00 2000
>>Checksum            : 0xfffff476|0xfffff476 (Good!)
>>VHD Batmap Summary:
>>Batmap offset       : 2560
>>Batmap size (secs)  : 1
>>Batmap version      : 0x00010002
>>Checksum            : 0xffffffff|0xffffffff (Good!)
>>On 4/12/13 3:51 PM, "Chiradeep Vittal" <chiradeep.vit...@citrix.com>
>>>Try this fix http://s.apache.org/j27
>>>On 4/12/13 3:11 PM, "Soheil Eizadi" <seiz...@infoblox.com> wrote:
>>>>>>[ Record_util.Record_failure("Failed to parse field 'virtual-size'

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