Hi Edison,

I forgot to ask you about these methods when we talked yesterday. :)

It is my understanding that grant/revokeAccess will be called to grant
access to a host or revoke access from a host for a volume.

Our SAN has two ways of allowing access to volumes from hosts:

1) If the necessary CHAP credentials are in place on the host, the host can
access the volume.

2) If CHAP is not in use, the host's IQN needs to be listed in what we call
a Volume Access Group for the given volume.

I might be able to "get away" with just supporting number 2.

Is grant/revokeAccess the place where I would either talk to the hypervisor
to provide it with CHAP credentials or talk to our SAN to place the host's
IQN in the Volume Access Group for the volume?

If so, I assume it is OK for these methods to take a little time to execute
as a call would need to go out to the hypervisor or the SAN.


*Mike Tutkowski*
*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
o: 303.746.7302
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