Hi folks,

I've played with a table and itemizedlist, and still not happy with how to
represent changes in the API..

Here's some plain text of what I am trying to figure out how to format.

createVlanIpRange  Request:  New parameters: endipv6 (optional),
ip6cidr (optional), ip6gateway (optional), startipv6 (optional)
Changed parameters: startip (old version - required, new version -
optional)   Response:  New parameters: endipv6, ip6cidr, ip6gateway,

listNetworkOfferings  Response:  New parameters: ispersistent
registerTemplate  Response:  New parameters: sshkeyenabled

 addTrafficMonitor  Request:  New parameters: excludezones (optional),
includezones (optional)   Response:  Removed parameters:
privateinterface, privatezone, publicinterface, publiczone,
usageinterface, username

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