Thanks for sharing this with the community Prachi. I read the wiki and had
a few questions.

Is there a requirement doc for this ? I wanted to understand the use cases
for this.

Since all the attributes are visible in service offering to the end user
what is it we are trying to do here ? Give the flexibility to the end user
? Ideally it should give more flexibility to the admin right ?

You talked about the vm.allocation.algorithms but talking about the
planners so I am little confused what is that we are trying to do here.

I see that Hari also proposed changing vm allocation config to zone level.
Is that required any more with this change ?

I didn't understand "in a CS deployment multiple planners will have to
co-exist." bit can you please elaborate with an example here ?


On 17/04/13 5:10 AM, "Prachi Damle" <> wrote:

>I would like to propose a new feature - DeploymentPlanner choice via
>Jira ticket created:
>This is to expose the choice of Deployment Planner via Service Offering
>and let Admin use a mix of Planners in a CS deployment.
>The initial draft of the FS is here
>Please review and comment.

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