
We started discussing 4 month v/s 6 month release cycle in a another thread 
[1]. Since the subject of that thread was different, community may not have 
participated in this important discussion fully. I am  are bringing this 
discussion to its own thread. Here is the summary so far please refer to [1] 
for more details.

Summary of discussion:
- Animesh pointed out the technical debt that we have accumulated so far needs 
extra time to resolve
- David, Chip favor shorter release cycle of 4 month and keeping master always 
stable and in good quality and enhancing automation as a solution to reduce QA 
manual effort. A focused defect fixing activity may be needed to reduce 
technical debt
- Will brought up several points in the discussion: He called out heavy 
dependence on manual QA for a release and pointed out that manual QA may not be 
always available to match up ACS release schedule. Release overhead for 4 month 
release is still high and suggest that moving to 6 month will save on release 
overhead and that  time can be used for strengthening automation.
 - Joe agrees partly in release overhead being significant for major release

If I missed out  any important point please feel free to bring into the thread.

There were some other discussion in [1] on release planning conference and 
chip's clarification on time based v/s feature based releases but we will not 
discuss those in this thread. Community has agreed to time-based release 


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