Prasanna, I updated CLOUDSTACK-2126 with my comment. That is the intended
change done in list API performance improvement work, and I don't see any
issues by having the consistent UserVmResponse for both deployVMCmd and
listVMsCmd. Every BaseResponse class has jobId and jobStatus as serialized
fields, I don't see why marvin has issues in deserialization in this case.
Did I miss anything?


On 4/25/13 9:18 AM, "Min Chen" <> wrote:

>I can take a look at CLOUDSTACK-2126.
>On 4/25/13 6:54 AM, "Chip Childers" <> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>The following bugs are currently blocking me from starting another 4.1.0
>>voting round.  Help please!
>>CLOUDSTACK-2158 'userconcentratedpod_firstfit failed to find alternate
>>host to run VM   (Unassigned)
>>CLOUDSTACK-2172 Upgrade from 2.2.14 to 4.1.0 failed (Unassigned)
>>CLOUDSTACK-2190 DEB packaging does not package AWSAPI correctly (Chip
>>CLOUDSTACK-2126 Response objects of some entities contain job related
>>information   (Unassigned)
>>I'll try to figure out CLOUDSTACK-2190.  The other three are currently
>>unassigned.  If you can help resolve them, please step up!

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