Hi Jeronimo,

The throttling rate for SSVM can either be taken from the system
network offering (for Control/Public/Storage traffic types); or if its set
to NULL on the network offering, it gets taken from the global config. By
default, on the system network offerings the rate is set to 0 - unlimited.

Can you check what value for parameter "networkRateMbps" was sent to the
backend with StartCommand for SSVM? Here is the grep you can use as an

grep StartCommand vmops.log  | grep s-1-VM | grep networkRateMbps

-1 in the StartCommand means unlimited.


On 4/30/13 11:07 AM, "Jeronimo Garcia" <garciaj...@gmail.com> wrote:

>Hi List.
>Is there any setting that might be affecting the network speed on the
>I'm using the default network offering for SSVM and these are my global
>vm.network.throttling.rate = 0
>network.throttling.rate = 0
>the 5.5-nogui template times out due to this:
>root@s-3-VM:~# wget
>--2013-04-30 17:07:09--
>Resolving download.cloud.com...
>Connecting to download.cloud.com||:80... connected.
>HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
>Length: 472312242 (450M) [application/x-bzip2]
>Saving to: ³eec2209b-9875-3c8d-92be-c001bd8a0faf.qcow2.bz2²
> 0% [
>                             ] 2,215        353B/s  eta* 22d 15h *
>that's 22days to download the template.
>I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 .

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