On Thu, May 2, 2013, at 03:16 PM, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
> On Thu, May 2, 2013, at 01:44 PM, Soheil Eizadi wrote:
> > The wiki is organized around VirtualBox, assuming it works, I think it is
> > a better choice than Fusion since it free and easy to setup. I don't have
> > much experience with VirtualBox, does it not support nested hypervisors?
> If you've gotten something working in Fusion, it would be worth putting
> that on the wiki for folks who aren't a fan of VirtualBox. (Or folks who
> already use Fusion and don't want to run two desktop virt. products...)

Didn't complete my thought - would be worth putting on the wiki *on a
new page* so that it's not conflicting with the "standard" DevCloud


Joe Brockmeier
Twitter: @jzb

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