If nobody objects, I'm going to merge code from interanllb branch into
master branch today, May 9th.


On 5/8/13 4:46 PM, "Chip Childers" <chip.child...@sungard.com> wrote:

>On Mon, May 06, 2013 at 10:33:51AM -0700, Alena Prokharchyk wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I would like to merge the Internal LB feature from  asf/internallb
>> to master.
>> - link to FS: 
>> ing+between+VPC+tiers
>> - Jira ticket: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-747
>> - UnitTests: the tests are added to
>> cloud-plugin-network-internallb/test (Internal LB element management):
>> * InternalLbElementServiceTest.java
>> * InternalLbElementTest.java
>> * InternalLBVMManagerTest.java
>> * InternalLBVMServiceTest.java
>> and cloud-server/test/lb (Internal LB rules management):
>> * ApplicationLoadBalancerTest.java
>> - Integration tests: python test is
>> test/integration/smoke/test_internal_lb.py
>> - As various people were working on the branch, so I did do daily merges
>> (not rebase) with the master branch, and internal lb commits are spread
>> over time. To fetch all the internal LB commits, execute this command:
>>      git log internallb ^master --no-merges
>> After the approval, the merge to master will be done as one squashed
>> commit.
>> - there is no UI for the feature yet; it will be developed in another
>> branch and merged to master branch separately.
>> - Attached is the RAT report that resulted in "0 Unknown Licenses"
>> Thank you,
>> -Alena.
>+1 from me

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