On Thu, May 09, 2013 at 09:55:02AM +0000, Nitin Mehta wrote:
> Updated the FS [1] as per the discussion. So the plan is to introduce a
> generic api to
> add semantic meta data to the first class objects.
> AddResourceDetail - Add details to resource
> * resourceIds - List of resource ids
> * resourceType - Example - volume, nic etc.
> * details - Map of key/value pairs
> DeleteResourceDetail - Remove detail to resource
> * resourceIds - List of resource ids
> * resourceType - Example - volume, nic etc.
> * details - Map of key/value pairs
> ListResourceDetails - lists details for a resource
> * resourceId 
> * resourceType - Example - volume, nic etc.
> * key
> * value
> [1] - 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/Ability+to+have+bett
> er+control+over+first+class+objects+in+CS

Is your plan to re-work the feature now?

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