Hi Manasa,

My comments are inline.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Manasa Veloori (3P) [mailto:manasa.velo...@citrix.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2013 5:16 PM
> To: cloudstack-...@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: [DISCUSS]Support for intel TXT technology
> http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.apache.cloudstack.devel/8118
> Hi All,
> Just as a continuation on the discuss regarding the support of Intel TXT  for
> cloud stack....I have few questions
> 1.      Suppose we have the xenserver6.0 host running the trust agent and it 
> is
> registered with attestation server  and now if we want to  upgrade it to
> XenServer 6.1.how does attestation server handle this situation....?
[Devdeep]  If a hypervisor is upgraded, the host will have to be re-registered 
with the attestation server.

> 2.      Suppose I have a host which is not registered with attestation server 
> and
> as a admin I have changed the tag of the host to 'Trusted-host'(default tag 
> for
> trusted host).Now when I am trying to register the host how will the
> attestation server handle.
[Devdeep] Tags are a cloudstack concept and the attestation server isn't aware 
of it. Even if a host is tagged, when cloudstack connects to a host it checks 
with the attestation server if the host is trusted or not. If the host is found 
to be untrusted any 'Trusted-host' tag (or any other tag if the default has 
been updated) is removed from the host. If the host is found to be trusted it 
is tagged appropriately.
> 3.      If trust agent is not running in the host and we added that host to 
> the
> registered zone........will it throw any exception.
[Devdeep] If a trust agent isn't running on the host the trust assertions can 
be established for the host and the host will not be tagged as trusted host.

> 4.      Do we have to explicitly register the host with attestation server 
> prior to
> adding it to cloud stack or will it automatically gets registered when we add
> host to CloudStack.
[Devdeep] The host will not be automatically registered with the attestation 
server. It have will have registered with the registerHostWithAttestionServer 
api after it has added to cloudstack.

> 5.      How CloudStack handles the situation when attestation server goes down
> i.e., CloudStack already have some trusted hosts and  now the user wants to
> deploy an instance in trusted host but the attestation server is down.
[Devdeep] CloudStack checks with the attestation server whether a host is 
trusted or not only when it connects with the host. If a host is trusted it is 
tagged accordingly. When a deploy vm request is handled, cloudstack doesn't 
check again with the attestation server. The tags on the host are used for 
servicing the deploy vm on trusted host request.
> Thanks,
> Manasa

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