Members present: animesh, vogxn, digitalsanctum, talluri, topcloud, sudhap, jzb

Meeting summary:

1. Preface

2. active feature release
  a. sudhap will send reminder to ML to update Jira tickets (jzb, 2)
  b. animesh will remind developers on ML to move specs to 4.2 for open items 
from 4.1. (jzb, 2)

3. Master branch
  a. vogxn to bring up topic of automated tests flow in post freeze (vogxn, 3)

4. Infra
  a. vogxn to work on automating reports for test runs from the test infra 
(vogxn, 4)
  b. sudhap post compatibility matrix: Which upgrades + installs need to be 
tested for 4.2 (jzb, 4)

- sudhap will send reminder to ML to update Jira tickets (jzb, 17:15:41)
- animesh will remind developers on ML to move specs to 4.2 for open items from 
4.1. (jzb, 17:17:29)
- vogxn to bring up topic of automated tests flow in post freeze (vogxn, 
- vogxn to work on automating reports for test runs from the test infra (vogxn, 
- sudhap post compatibility matrix: Which upgrades + installs need to be tested 
for 4.2 (jzb, 17:41:43)

IRC log follows:

# 1. Preface #
17:08:54 [jzb]: ASFBot: meeting start

# 2. active feature release #
17:09:44 [jzb]: Since we're in mid-VOTE for 4.1.0, let's just go through this 
as one big topic
17:09:52 [jzb]: anything to discuss or report on 4.1.0, anyone?
17:10:43 [animesh]: Assuming the VOTE closes I will move over remaining defects 
to 4.2
17:10:51 [animesh]: by Friday
17:11:07 [jzb]: OK
17:11:21 [jzb]: I guess that's all for 4.1.0, so let's move on. 
17:11:44 [jzb]: Since 4.0.x will be obsoleted by 4.1.0, I'm going to skip 
active bugfix release unless anyone has something on that.
17:12:04 [sudhap]: one more issue
17:12:13 [jzb]: sudhap: OK
17:12:36 [sudhap]: There are a few more new and improvement stories that need 
to be closed for 4.1
17:12:51 [sudhap]: if folks can take time to review and close those, it would 
be clean
17:13:06 [jzb]: sudhap: closed?
17:13:08 [sudhap]: if anything need to be moved to 4.2 we can do
17:13:21 [jzb]: you mean Jira tickets that are still not updated, or...?
17:13:37 [sudhap]: Yes
17:14:05 [sudhap]: JIRA New and Improvements which are not addressed for 4.1 - 
they may have been but status shows not resolved 
17:14:19 [jzb]: sudhap: ah, OK. Have you raised that on the ML?
17:14:27 [animesh]: Sudha can you send a reminder to dev list
17:14:34 [jzb]: we'll want to get those resolved and make animesh's life easier.
17:14:41 [vogxn]: many Major items will be unresolved. are these those ones?
17:15:03 [sudhap]: jzb, animesh: yes
17:15:04 [sudhap]: will send reminder
17:15:26 [vogxn]: sudhap: release exist critieria was Blocker and Critical 
only. so others would carry over to 4.2
17:15:26 [sudhap]: vogxn: no - these are features but not defects
17:15:33 [vogxn]: sudhap: ah. got it
17:15:41 [topcloud]: someone should go through and remind devs to move their 
specs to 4.2 as well.
17:15:41 [topcloud]: if it's not in 4.1
17:15:41 [jzb]: #action sudhap will send reminder to ML to update Jira tickets
17:16:11 [topcloud]: same thing with test plans assuming test plans are listed 
by release as well.
17:16:28 [animesh]: I will take the action item to remind dev on moving specs 
to 4.2 for open items from 4.1
17:17:06 [topcloud]: animesh: thanks.
17:17:13 [sudhap]: +topcloud: test plans are not listed by release but test 
execution results are
17:17:28 [topcloud]: sudhap: cool.
17:17:29 [jzb]: #action animesh will remind developers on ML to move specs to 
4.2 for open items from 4.1.
17:18:28 [jzb]: anything else on 4.1.0?
17:20:13 [jzb]: I'll take that as a no.
17:20:13 [jzb]: Moving on... 

# 3. Master branch #
17:21:17 [animesh]: Feature freeze is on friday and we have many open and in 
progress items
17:21:17 [jzb]: any topics on the master branch, also known as soon-to-be 4.2 
17:21:31 [animesh]: I will send a reminder today
17:21:32 [jzb]: OK
17:22:16 [vogxn]: animesh: automated tests like docs will keep flowing in. is 
there aany criteria? should i bring up the topic on list?
17:22:23 [sudhap]: animesh: I thinkg status is not updated for some eventhough 
they are complete - I also need to go through resolved ones and mark them 
closed if testing and docs are completed for those stories
17:23:01 [animesh]: vogxn: sure go ahead 
17:23:31 [animesh]: sudhap: yes you had sent a reminder last week, I will send 
similar reminder today
17:23:53 [sudhap]: animesh:sure
17:24:10 [jzb]: sudhap: I get confused when you talk about stories instead of 
tickets ;-)
17:24:31 [vogxn]: +1, stories, tales :) hope our features are real features and 
not just tall tales :)
17:24:38 [jzb]: heh
17:24:46 [vogxn]: #action vogxn to bring up topic of automated tests flow in 
post freeze
17:25:16 [sudhap]: jzb:sorry about that
17:25:31 [animesh]: sudha comes from many years on agile teams
17:25:53 [jzb]: gotcha.
17:26:01 [jzb]: other items on Master?
17:26:16 [talluri]: vogxn: what is about "automated tests flow "?
17:26:31 [vogxn]: talluri: will raise on ML
17:26:54 [vogxn]: with enough details
17:26:54 [animesh]: well as we get all the issues from 4.1 into 4.2 we have to 
clean up the backlog
17:26:54 [talluri]: sure will stay tuned 
17:27:31 [animesh]: we already have 262 open issues on 4.2
17:27:31 [jzb]: animesh: may I gently suggest organizing a "hackfest" or day to 
clean up Jira and triage post-freeze?
17:27:53 [animesh]: yes i was going to write that but you typed faster than me
17:28:01 [sudhap]: jzb, animesh: +1 for hackfest
17:28:08 [jzb]: animesh: I type faster than everybody ;-)
17:28:38 [animesh]: jzb: as a writer that's the second skill you gotta have 
besides writing skills :)
17:29:26 [jzb]: I'm not sure it's even behind writing skills... :-) 
17:29:39 [jzb]: anyway - other topics for Master?
17:29:46 [animesh]: ok that's all from my side

# 4. Infra #
17:30:31 [jzb]: anybody have any Infra issues we need to discuss this week?
17:30:53 [animesh]: jzb sorry I wanted to still check QA status on 4.2
17:31:08 [vogxn]: i need to add advanced zone with security group into our test 
infra runs
17:31:31 [vogxn]: i added support for fetching logs from each hypervisor run 
and extended component tests into wednesday and saturday schedules
17:31:46 [vogxn]: that's it for the infra i handle :)
17:32:28 [jzb]: animesh: OK. I'm guessing that's sudhap ?
17:32:29 [sudhap]: animesh:  Test results are posted in 4.2 Release folder
17:32:41 [sudhap]: a few features are not taken up by anyone. 
17:32:56 [sudhap]: I will send reminder again asking for specific help on these 
17:33:04 [vogxn]: sudhap: should we include users@ into asks for QA?
17:33:20 [sudhap]: in 4.1 I requested feature owner when no one volunteered
17:33:27 [sudhap]: vogxn: will do that
17:33:36 [vogxn]: i see some folks stepping up with 4.1 release testing after 
chipc sent an email there.
17:33:41 [vogxn]: thanks!
17:33:41 [vogxn]: that'll be great
17:33:48 [animesh]: sudhap:  Also we have many resolved issues which needs to 
be closed
17:33:56 [jzb]: the more guidance we give to folks, the more are likely to step 
17:34:12 [sudhap]: jzb: ok
17:34:19 [sudhap]: animesh: yes - It is just that status is not updated for 
17:34:42 [sudhap]: also we have low automation pass rates for regression 
17:34:56 [sudhap]: total tests running through automation has increased but 
pass rates need to be brought up
17:35:04 [vogxn]: sudhap: yeah. still working on stabilizing those since they 
just came in from ipclearance
17:35:11 [vogxn]: i fixed several last week
17:35:26 [sudhap]: vogxn: thanks 
17:35:26 [vogxn]: will keep working and posting bugs on thsoe
17:35:56 [sudhap]: overall automation status along with rest results is being 
posted on cwiki 
17:36:36 [animesh]: sudhap: do you mind to post weekly summary on test / 
17:36:36 [vogxn]: sudhap: if these runs are automated the reports can be 
automated too. something similar is done on #xen-devel which is quite useful. 
ian campbell in citrix does this. wonder if you can get in touch with them?
17:37:09 [animesh]: vogxn: automated is even better
17:37:16 [sudhap]: animesh - we already post them in test results folder weekly
17:37:25 [sudhap]: when I post it I can send a mail to the ML
17:37:38 [topcloud]: sudhap: I'm checking under 4.1 but I don't see any content 
for qa execution.
17:37:54 [animesh]: sudhap:  i am not sure folks are checking  on it
17:38:01 [jzb]: sudhap: that'd be great. A "trigger" to look at results on the 
ML would be good.
17:38:39 [sudhap]: topcloud: lt me give you the link
17:38:39 [vogxn]: actually -i'm going to take up the #action on automating the 
17:38:53 [topcloud]: sudhap: ic...they're excel files.  anyway we can copy and 
paste to the page?
17:38:54 [vogxn]: #action vogxn to work on automating reports for test runs 
from the test infra
17:39:32 [sudhap]: ok
17:40:01 [topcloud]: sudhap: thanks.
17:40:08 [sudhap]: topcloud: ok - will copy and paste - as some are too big it 
is easy to do it through excel - but will post them in table format
17:40:16 [sudhap]:
17:41:01 [sudhap]: jzb: you can give me AI to post compatiblity matrix as well 
- ie which upgrades and installs need to be tested for 4.2
17:41:22 [jzb]: sudhap: certainly
17:41:22 [sudhap]: given the missed combination in 4.1 - it is critical to do 
that in 4.2 
17:41:38 [topcloud]: sudhap: yeah...i never c&p from excel before.  Works 
pretty well from Word and powerpoint so hopefully it'll look okay.
17:41:43 [jzb]: #action sudhap post compatibility matrix: Which upgrades + 
installs need to be tested for 4.2
17:41:58 [vogxn]: i thnk the mailing list will change it to text and mess it up
17:42:43 [sudhap]: vogxn: will post only links to cwiki pages to ML
17:42:51 [sudhap]: so should not be a problem
17:42:58 [vogxn]: sudhap: np. any trigger to get attention
17:43:06 [vogxn]: is a good start
17:44:14 [jzb]: any other topics?
17:45:33 [sudhap]: jzb: would like to introduce shane witbeck from my team to 
the community - he will be working on ACS 4.2 feature automation - he is here 
with nick digitalsanctum
17:46:29 [jzb]: welcome digitalsanctum 
17:46:34 [vogxn]: welcome digitalsanctum! pester us on the lists and/or IRC for 
any help you need
17:46:34 [digitalsanctum]: hi everyone :)
17:46:42 [jzb]: +1 vogxn 
17:47:19 [jzb]: digitalsanctum: we're always happy to help people to get up to 
speed so we can do less work. ;-)
17:47:44 [digitalsanctum]: jzb: i'll try to be more of a pest to get up to 
speed faster then :)
17:48:18 [jzb]: please do! 
17:48:56 [jzb]: OK, do we have any other meeting topics?
17:50:19 [jzb]: Alrighty - thanks to everybody who made it today!
17:50:31 [jzb]: I will close this meeting and send the notes to the ML

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