Hi Mike,

Your opensource vi java code will be close to what you would implement using 
the closed source vi sdk, so though you will have to rewrite some code, it 
should be possible to reuse much of your core code, especially with spec 
preparation and the like. Cloudstack code already has useful functions that let 
you retrieve dynamic properties etc from MORs, so you would need to replace 
some of your vi java code with those functions. You cannot however mix vi java 
with vi sdk in cloudstack, which uses only vi sdk. You also won't need to setup 
the vmware service context, it's already there in Vmwareresource.java, so you 
can use that.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Tutkowski [mailto:mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 2:40 PM
To: dev@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: VMware API Question


I recently completed work in the new storage framework related to XenServer 
where I dynamically create a storage repository when attaching a newly created 
volume, if need be.

I now need to implement the same concept for VMware.

The idea is that I have zone-wide primary storage that is backed by a plug-in 
(all new in 4.2).

When the user creates a volume, we still just add a row to the volumes table 
that describes this volume.

When the user goes to attach this volume to a VM, the storage framework invokes 
my plug-in and my plug-in goes off to its SAN to create a volume...returning 
info like IQN.

Next the VMware attach logic is invoked. In this dynamic kind of zone-wide 
storage, I need to detect in this VMware code that we do not yet have a 
datastore and create this datastore based on the IQN I returned earlier (and 
other info like IP address).

I have this all working for XenServer and am now turning my attention to VMware.

My question is simply this:

It looks like VmwareResourse is written with VI SDK. Since I have my 
"create/delete datastore" logic already written in the VI Java API ( 
http://vijava.sourceforge.net/), I was wondering if it's possible to mix these 
two approaches or if I will have to re-write my code.


*Mike Tutkowski*
*Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
e: mike.tutkow...@solidfire.com
o: 303.746.7302
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