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Commit 8ece25c1f2bd6d0126c2a22b42e1c4da65fc2856 in branch refs/heads/master 
from Jessica Wang <jessicaw...@apache.org>
[ https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf?p=cloudstack.git;h=8ece25c ]

CLOUDSTACK-681: deployment planner - create compute offering dialog - 
deployment planner dropdown - add blank option and make it as default option. 
Not pass anything to API call when blank option is selected.

- ASF Subversion and Git Services

On May 30, 2013, 6:20 a.m., Saksham Srivastava wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/11379/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated May 30, 2013, 6:20 a.m.)
> Review request for cloudstack, Devdeep Singh and Prachi Damle.
> Description
> -------
> Review Request for "Dedicated Resources: Explicit Dedication"
> =============================================================
> Functional Spec for the above Private zone, pod, cluster or host, can be 
> found here: 
> https://cwiki.apache.org/CLOUDSTACK/dedicated-resources-private-zone-pod-cluster-host-functional-spec.html
> This patch request is a part of this feature.
> This feature allows a user to deploy VMs only in the resources dedicated to 
> his account or domain.
> 1. Resources(Zones, Pods, Clusters or hosts) can be dedicated to an account 
> or domain.
>    Implemented 12 new APIs to dedicate/list/release resources:
>    - dedicateZone, listDedicatedZones, releaseDedicatedZone for a Zone.
>    - dedicatePod, listDedicatedPods, releaseDedicatedPod for a Pod.
>    - dedicateCluster, listDedicatedClusters, releaseDedicatedCluster for a 
> Cluster
>    - dedicateHost, listDedicatedHosts, releaseDedicatedHost for a Host.
> 2. Once a resource(eg. pod) is dedicated to an account, other resources(eg. 
> clusters/hosts) inside that cannot be further dedicated.
> 3. Once a resource is dedicated to a domain, other resources inside that can 
> be further dedicated to its sub-domain or account.
> 4. If any resource (eg.cluster) is dedicated to a account/domain, then 
> resources(eg. Pod) above that cannot be dedicated to different 
> accounts/domain (not belonging to the same domain) 
> 5. To use Explicit dedication, user needs to create an Affinity Group of type 
> 'ExplicitDedication'
> 6. A VM can be deployed with the above affinity group parameter as an input.
> 7. A new ExplicitDedicationProcessor has been added which will process the 
> affinity group of type 'Explicit Dedication' for a deployment of a VM that 
> demands dedicated resources.
>    This processor implements the AffinityGroupProcessor adapter. This 
> processor will update the avoid list.
> 8. A VM requesting dedication will be deployed on dedicatd resources if 
> available with the user account.
> 9. A VM requesting dedication can also be deployed on the dedicated resources 
> available with the parent domains iff no dedicated resources are available 
> with the current user's account or 
>    domain. 
> 10. A VM (without dedication) can be deployed on shared host but not on 
> dedicated hosts.
> 11. To modify the dedication, the resource has to be released first.
> 12. Existing Private zone functionality has been redirected to Explicit 
> dedication of zones.
> 13. Updated the db upgrade schema script. A new table "dedicated_resources" 
> has been added.
> 14. Added the right permissions in commands.properties
> 15. Unit tests:  For the new APIs and Service, added unit tests under : 
> plugins/dedicated-resources/test/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/DedicatedApiUnitTest.java
> 16. Marvin Test: To dedicate host, create affinity group, deploy-vm, check if 
> vm is deployed on the dedicated host.
> Created 2 patches for the bug:
> Patch 2 is for files that are modifying the files that have windows line 
> endings. git am will not work for such files in a single patch.
> This addresses bug CLOUDSTACK-681.
> Diffs
> -----
>   api/src/com/cloud/dc/DedicatedResources.java PRE-CREATION 
>   api/src/com/cloud/event/EventTypes.java 6dfb1ab 
>   client/pom.xml 0c38ecb 
>   client/tomcatconf/applicationContext.xml.in edf83a9 
>   client/tomcatconf/commands.properties.in fd5479f 
>   client/tomcatconf/componentContext.xml.in e946f44 
> engine/orchestration/src/org/apache/cloudstack/platform/orchestration/CloudOrchestrator.java
>  963e4d7 
>   engine/schema/src/com/cloud/dc/dao/ClusterDao.java 3ce0798 
>   engine/schema/src/com/cloud/dc/dao/ClusterDaoImpl.java 86dc65e 
>   engine/schema/src/com/cloud/domain/dao/DomainDaoImpl.java 9460a73 
>   engine/schema/src/com/cloud/host/dao/HostDao.java 98bdcb4 
>   engine/schema/src/com/cloud/host/dao/HostDaoImpl.java 07a4232 
>   plugins/affinity-group-processors/explicit-dedication/pom.xml PRE-CREATION 
> plugins/affinity-group-processors/explicit-dedication/src/org/apache/cloudstack/affinity/ExplicitDedicationProcessor.java
>   plugins/dedicated-resources/pom.xml PRE-CREATION 
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/DedicateClusterCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/DedicateHostCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/DedicatePodCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/DedicateZoneCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ListDedicatedClustersCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ListDedicatedHostsCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ListDedicatedPodsCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ListDedicatedZonesCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ReleaseDedicatedClusterCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ReleaseDedicatedHostCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ReleaseDedicatedPodCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/commands/ReleaseDedicatedZoneCmd.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/response/DedicateClusterResponse.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/response/DedicateHostResponse.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/response/DedicatePodResponse.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/api/response/DedicateZoneResponse.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/manager/DedicatedResourceManagerImpl.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/src/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/services/DedicatedService.java
> plugins/dedicated-resources/test/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/manager/DedicatedApiUnitTest.java
>   plugins/dedicated-resources/test/resource/dedicatedContext.xml PRE-CREATION 
>   plugins/pom.xml 2efa248 
>   server/src/com/cloud/api/query/QueryManagerImpl.java 5a25732 
>   server/src/com/cloud/configuration/ConfigurationManagerImpl.java 79375f9 
>   server/src/com/cloud/dc/DedicatedResourceVO.java PRE-CREATION 
>   server/src/com/cloud/dc/dao/DedicatedResourceDao.java PRE-CREATION 
>   server/src/com/cloud/dc/dao/DedicatedResourceDaoImpl.java PRE-CREATION 
>   server/src/com/cloud/resource/ResourceManagerImpl.java 74bd6d0 
>   server/src/com/cloud/user/AccountManagerImpl.java e72005e 
>   server/src/com/cloud/user/DomainManagerImpl.java 00a779e 
>   server/src/com/cloud/vm/UserVmManagerImpl.java a734d44 
> server/test/org/apache/cloudstack/networkoffering/ChildTestConfiguration.java 
> f862a2a 
>   setup/db/create-schema.sql b1feb02 
>   setup/db/db/schema-410to420.sql e081a25 
>   test/integration/component/test_explicit_dedication.py PRE-CREATION 
>   tools/apidoc/gen_toc.py 793f720 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/11379/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> Unittest: For the new APIs and Service, added unit tests under : 
> plugins/dedicated-resources/test/org/apache/cloudstack/dedicated/DedicatedApiUnitTest.java
> Marvin Test: To dedicate host, create affinity group, deploy-vm, check if vm 
> is deployed on the dedicated host.
> Rat Build Successful.
> Thanks,
> Saksham Srivastava

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