On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 03:07:39AM +0000, Edison Su wrote:
> Hi all, 
>      The second round, call for merge object_store branch into master, is 
> coming!
>       The issues fixed:
>            1. All the major issues addressed by John are fixed:
>                 1.1 A cache storage replacement algorithm is added: 
> StorageCacheReplacementAlgorithmLRU, based on the reference count and least 
> recently used. 
>                 1.2 A new S3 transport is added, can upload > 5G template 
> into S3 directly.
>                 1.3 Retry, if S3 upload failed.
>                 1.4 some comments from https://reviews.apache.org/r/11277/, 
> mostly, the coding style, are addressed and clean up some unused code.
>          2. DB upgrade path from 4.1 to 4.2
>          3. Bug fix
>     The size of the patch is even bigger now, around 100000 LOC, you can find 
> about the patch from https://reviews.apache.org/r/11277/diff/2/. 
>      Comments/feedback are welcome. Thanks.

+1 to this.  Great work Edison, Min and John (for the detailed reviews).
I'm really glad we spent the time to get to a consensus on the


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