On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 09:07:54AM +0000, Daan Hoogland wrote:
> H,
> Even though the rebase of both patches where without conflicts for a
> change, this morning, I would really like to have them 'shipped'. Of
> course I don't mind doing more work on them as I am taking
> responsibility for the code but I am not looking forward to a
> permanent rebase re-apply job to keep my users satisfied.
> More generally: What is the problem I should be addressing?
> 1.      Is there something in my way of working that obstructs a
> ready acceptance of the code?
> 2.      Is this a common problem with a certain type of issues that
> I happen to have addressed twice now?
> 3.      Is a workflow for closing (accepting/refusing) review
> requests missing?
> On the third possibility; I noticed that review requests dating as
> far back as to September 11th (no pun) are open for cloudstack. Some
> are not updated for more than 6 months. I don't mind if you guys
> refuse my code, but I don't want open ends like that. Do you have a
> policy or any ideas on that?
> Please note that this is not a complaint about the people who have
> commented on my code. I have appreciated and seriously addressed
> their input.


Thanks for your patience. But reviewboard hasn't been recieving much
love possibly because folks are busy with Collab presentations etc.
And 4.2 is looming around ther corner.

This isn't an excuse though. Sometimes there's few folks who
understand the full scale of changes to specific parts of cloudstack
because those critical pieces are poorly documented. In such cases
reviews get delayed.

Usually, if you remind the list when your review hasn't recieved
attention should get someone to take a look at it. [1] Just as you've
done here.

As for improving the process for speedier reviews I think it's great if
more eyeballs are laid on patches. It doesn't just have to be just
committers taking a look. So feel free to jump in!

Appreciate your thoughts on improving the process!

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/x/sSbVAQ


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