
Animesh mentioned that he is offline this week, so I am sending the report

Current status of new features and Improvements [1].

-Some cleanup is required as there are 54 tickets in resolved status. Once Dev 
/ QA and Doc activity is done, we can close these. If those respective owners 
can take action on the sub tasks, I can close the tickets. Other than that 
there are Automation tasks which will be in unresolved status. Those need to be 
tracked independently.

-There are 39 tickets where dev work is still pending. Pl note deadline for 
these to be completed ( to have code in master) is 6/28 [2]

Status                                   Total
Closed                                  8
In Progress                         13
Open                                     23
Ready To Review             2
Reopened                           1
Resolved                             54
Grand Total                        101



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