Hi Ian, a lot of us are at the cloudstack conference in santa clara.

We are traveling back to our respective homes. It may be 24 hours before you 
get answer on your couple questions.



On Jun 26, 2013, at 9:52 AM, Ian Duffy <i...@ianduffy.ie> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I was wondering if I could get some help. I have followed the
> instructions on
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/CLOUDSTACK/CloudStack+API+Development
> to what I believe to be word for word. However I keep getting an
> error.
> org.springframework.beans.factory.CannotLoadBeanClassException: Cannot
> find class [com.cloud.test.TimeOfDayManagerImpl] for bean with name
> 'timeOfDayManagerImpl' defined in class path resource
> [applicationContext.xml]; nested exception is
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.cloud.test.TimeOfDayManagerImpl
> TimeOfDayManagerImpl exists within
> plugins/api/timeofday/src/com/cloud/test and is compiled when mvn -P
> developer clean install is ran....
> I am able to see the class file in
> plugins/api/timeofday/target/classes/com/cloud/test
> Thanks
> Ian
> duffy at devbox in ~/projects/cloudstack/plugins/api/timeofday on ldapplugin*
> $ pwd
> /home/duffy/projects/cloudstack/plugins/api/timeofday
> duffy at devbox in ~/projects/cloudstack/plugins/api/timeofday on ldapplugin*
> $ tree
> .
> |-- pom.xml
> |-- src
> |   `-- com
> |       `-- cloud
> |           `-- test
> |               |-- GetTimeOfDayCmd.java
> |               |-- GetTimeOfDayCmdResponse.java
> |               |-- package
> |               |-- TimeOfDayManagerImpl.java
> |               `-- TimeOfDayManager.java
> |-- target
> |   |-- classes
> |   |   |-- com
> |   |   |   `-- cloud
> |   |   |       `-- test
> |   |   |           |-- GetTimeOfDayCmd.class
> |   |   |           |-- GetTimeOfDayCmdResponse.class
> |   |   |           |-- TimeOfDayManager.class
> |   |   |           `-- TimeOfDayManagerImpl.class
> |   |   `-- META-INF
> |   |       |-- DEPENDENCIES
> |   |       |-- LICENSE
> |   |       `-- NOTICE
> |   |-- cloud-plugin-api-timeofday-4.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
> |   |-- generated-sources
> |   |   `-- annotations
> |   |-- maven-archiver
> |   |   `-- pom.properties
> |   |-- maven-shared-archive-resources
> |   |   `-- META-INF
> |   |       |-- DEPENDENCIES
> |   |       |-- LICENSE
> |   |       `-- NOTICE
> |   `-- test-classes
> |       `-- META-INF
> |           |-- DEPENDENCIES
> |           |-- LICENSE
> |           `-- NOTICE
> `-- test
> 18 directories, 21 files
> duffy at devbox in ~/projects/cloudstack/plugins/api/timeofday on ldapplugin*
> $ grep timeofday ~/projects/cloudstack/plugins/pom.xml
>    <module>api/timeofday</module>
> duffy at devbox in ~/projects/cloudstack/plugins/api/timeofday on ldapplugin*
> $ grep TimeOfDayManagerImpl
> ~/projects/cloudstack/client/tomcatconf/applicationContext.xml.in
>  <bean id="timeOfDayManagerImpl" class="com.cloud.test.TimeOfDayManagerImpl"/>

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