On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 10:09:41AM -0700, Hugo Trippaers wrote:
> Heya,
> I've added a parameterised job to jenkins that will run a complete
> build on any branch. You can kick it off on jenkins.cloudstack.org
> and enter any branch as the parameter. It will do the regular maven
> build with the clean and test actions. It will also generate a
> cobertura coverage report so you can easily see how much code your
> unit tests cover.
> Also its possible to kick this build right from our IRC channel. For
> example the following command will build the vmsync branch:
> !jenkins build cloudstack-build-parameterized now branch=vmsync
> List the current builds using the '!jenkins cb' command.
> So whenever you push a branch to apache, feel free to ask cato to
> build it for you. 

Awesome! With Ian's help I plan to put in pretty Sonar graphs (if you
like that sort of thing) as well for the static analysis checks. 

> Cheers,
> Hugo
> @David, remember that nginx proxy timeout setting we discussed ages
> ago? Would be nice to get that sorted so we can use some extra cloud
> power on jenkins.cloudstack.org. Any ideas on how we can get that
> done?

I plan on moving the current jenkins node on to a CloudStack setup
along with configuring jenkins purely via github/yaml config files.
still exploring. I think there should be some nginx puppet recipes
around for quick configuration.  


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