I did a mvn -Pdeveloper -Dsystemvm clean install and those
systemvm.iso(s) went away. So it must be within devcloud somewhere
that the iso existed. 

On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 10:41:39AM -0700, Hugo Trippaers wrote:
> Hey Prasanna,
> I just did a quick test, these systemvm.iso files are generated by
> the default maven build (mvm -Dnonoss -Psystemvm install)
> ./client/target/cloud-client-ui-4.2.0-SNAPSHOT/WEB-INF/classes/vms/systemvm.iso
> ./client/target/generated-webapp/WEB-INF/classes/vms/systemvm.iso
> ./services/console-proxy/server/dist/systemvm.iso
> After cleaning (mvm -Dnonoss -Psystemvm clean) these files were removed as 
> well.
> Which targets did you run?
> Cheers,
> Hugo
> On Jun 28, 2013, at 10:21 AM, Prasanna Santhanam <t...@apache.org> wrote:
> > I deleted all traces of systemvm.iso from my codebase
> > $ find . -name systemvm.iso | xargs -n1 rm -f
> > 
> > Then reverted my devcloud snapshot to old state and don't see this
> > error again.
> > 
> > I wonder by mvn doesn't do a good job of cleaning though :/
> > 
> > Thanks for the fixes to the bugs and the upcoming fixes for the new
> > ones. I'll be switching over the test infra to run object store backed
> > secondary only from next week so we should have more results. 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Prasanna.,
> > 
> > On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 04:35:29PM +0000, Min Chen wrote:
> >> Prasanna, glad to know that CLOUDSTACK-3137 is resolved. I fixed
> >> CLOUDSTACK-3249 yesterday for a corner case reported by Alena, but I could
> >> not reproduce CLOUDSTACK-3137 on my environment at all. For the JSON
> >> issue, I can only tell that it is inconsistent systemvm issue between
> >> management server and system vm. In 4.2, we changed ArrayTypeAdaptor to
> >> return full qualified command class name, so I don't quite get why you are
> >> still seeing the abbreviated command name in your log. Yes,
> >> StartupSecondaryStorageCommand is still there. From your log, it seems
> >> that your ssvm has the old code.
> >> 
> >> Thanks
> >> -min
> >> 
> >> On 6/28/13 12:03 AM, "Prasanna Santhanam" <t...@apache.org> wrote:
> >> 
> >>> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 12:17:55PM +0530, Prasanna Santhanam wrote:
> >>>> On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 04:07:08PM +0000, Min Chen wrote:
> >>>>> Json deserialization issue is caused by out-of-dated systemvm.iso on
> >>>> your
> >>>>> hypervisor host. You need rebuilding systemvm.iso and deployed to your
> >>>>> hypervisor host.
> >>>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> CLOUDSTACK-3137 exists and seems to be a problem with HA and
> >>>> systemVMs. The JSON serialization also exists for me despite
> >>>> rebuidling the systemvm with -Dsystemvm.
> >>> 
> >>> Ok - CLOUDSTACK-3137 _may_ have been fixed. the last few test-matrix
> >>> jobs have succeeded. Perhaps related to fix for CLOUDSTACK-3249.
> >>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> I see the deserialization error when the ssvm agent sends this to
> >>>> management server:
> >>>> 
> >>>> 2013-06-28 06:42:50,609 DEBUG [cloud.agent.Agent] (Agent-Handler-1:)
> >>>> Sending Startup: Seq -1-2:  { Cmd , MgmtId: -1, via: -1, Ver: v1, Flags:
> >>>> 101, 
> >>>> [{"StartupSecondaryStorageCommand":{"type":"SecondaryStorage","dataCenter
> >>>> ":"1","pod":"1","guid":"s-1-VM-NfsSecondaryStorageResource","name":"s-1-V
> >>>> M","version":"4.2.0-SNAPSHOT","iqn":"NoIqn","publicIpAddress":"192.168.56
> >>>> .144","publicNetmask":"","publicMacAddress":"06:5c:ac:00:00:
> >>>> 42","privateIpAddress":"","privateMacAddress":"06:aa:84:00:
> >>>> 00:12","privateNetmask":"","storageIpAddress":"
> >>>> 7","storageNetmask":"","storageMacAddress":"06:aa:84:00:00:1
> >>>> 2","resourceName":"NfsSecondaryStorageResource","wait":0}}] }
> >>>> 
> >>>> This happens both when I have a s3 store added and a regular nfs
> >>>> storage added.
> >>>> Is the startupcommand still reqd?
> >>>> 
> >>>> -- 
> >>>> Prasanna.,
> >>>> 
> >>>> ------------------------
> >>>> Powered by BigRock.com
> >>> 
> >>> -- 
> >>> Prasanna.,
> >>> 
> >>> ------------------------
> >>> Powered by BigRock.com
> >>> 
> > 
> > 
> > ------------------------
> > Powered by BigRock.com
> > 


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