On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 8:18 PM, Alex Huang <alex.hu...@citrix.com> wrote:
> After Dave's complain in the vmsync [MERGE] thread about BVT in horrible 
> shape on master, I went around to figure out what exactly happened.  The best 
> I can figure is that after a certain merge (I will leave out which merge as 
> that's not important), BVT no longer runs automatically.  It was promised to 
> be fixed and there are people who are actively fixing it but it's been in 
> this way for about two weeks.  People running BVTs are working around the 
> problem but it's not automated anymore and so it's no longer running on 
> master.  I understand people are nice and tried to be accommodating to other 
> people by working around the problem but sometimes we just have to be an 
> arse.  So let me be that arse...
> New Rule....
> If BVT or automated regression tests break on master or any release branch, 
> we revert all commits that broke it.  It doesn't matter if they promise to 
> fix it within the next hour.  If it's broken, the release manager will revert 
> the commits and developers must resubmit.  It sounds mean but it's the only 
> way this problem can be fixed.
> To avoid having a bunch of reverts and resubmits, the developers should be 
> able to request that BVT run on their branch and don't merge until BVT on 
> their branch is at 100%.  We will work on figuring out how to do that.
> Comments?
> --Alex

+100 - not only +100 but I will increment ASFBots $beverage counter a
few in your favor for suggesting this.


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