I like to remind everyone to review our coding conventions.  Our coding 
conventions have been going all over the place recently.  Please take a look.


I also like to propose that we extend the 120 column limit to 180 columns. 

I recently was reading the following code.  If it followed even our current 
coding conventions, this would have been 11 lines but it ends up to be 23 
lines, more than doubled.  The whole file was like this.  Just thinking about 
all the extra scrolling I have to do makes my cts act up.  We are in the 21st 
century and using wide screen lcd monitors.  Let's not format our code to fit 
80 column amber text screens please!

What's worse is I've found that some people are actively breaking existing 
source code to 80 columns, causing a bunch of unnecessary merge activities.  On 
Eclipse, you can actually set all types of formatting rules.  I can send out my 
epf (eclipse preferences file) if you don't want to deal with the trouble.  
                            DiskOfferingVO diskOffering = _diskOfferingDao
                            if (diskOffering.getUseLocalStorage()) {
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Local volume "
                                            + vol
                                            + " will be recreated on storage 
pool "
                                            + assignedPool
                                            + " assigned by deploymentPlanner");
                                VolumeTask task = new 
VolumeTask(VolumeTaskType.RECREATE, vol, null);
                            } else {
                                if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                    s_logger.debug("Shared volume "
                                            + vol
                                            + " will be migrated on storage 
pool "
                                            + assignedPool
                                            + " assigned by deploymentPlanner");
                                VolumeTask task = new 
VolumeTask(VolumeTaskType.MIGRATE, vol, assignedPool);

Please be mindful of my cts.  Thanks for caring about my health!  :)


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