Awesome! I'll try to play with Marvin and cloudmonkey to do prep for
jclouds tests with the simulator this weekend. Thanks!


On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Prasanna Santhanam <> wrote:

> Andrew - Firstly, apologize for the delayed response. You caught me at
> a bad time when I was attempting to fix the simulator which was broken
> when you sent this email. It took longer than expected to fix and get
> it back in shape.
> My comments are inline.
> On Mon, Jun 24, 2013 at 11:08:20AM -0700, Andrew Bayer wrote:
> > Hey all -
> >
> > So, at David Nalley's suggestion, I'm trying to run jclouds' live tests
> for
> > ACS against a simulator instance, so that I can actually run the full
> > battery of API tests (including global admin, advanced and basic
> > networking, etc) without having to set up a ton of CloudStack instances.
> In
> > a perfect world, it'd be great if there was a standalone war that used h2
> > for the DB and had different flags to pass to it for different starting
> > settings, but I'd be immensely happy to be able to get the following in
> > place on startup (or an easy script to run to do this on top of the base
> > setup):
> >
> Indeed, this is something David discussed with me and it's a great way
> to run the live tests of jclouds. Right now the simulator jar is
> packaged as a plugin. But there's a few spring related connections to
> be made to get it to work with CloudStack installs. I'll figure out
> how we can package (may be a simulator cloudstack rpm) so you can have
> this running.
> The simulator itself only provides the ability to mock hypervisor
> commands but the setup of the network model, zone type etc needs to be
> done from the outside. This can be done with the help of marvin's json
> configuration commands. It's just an API driver that can set things up
> for you. There are samples in our code base under
> setup/dev/advanced.cfg and setup/dev/basic.cfg. The tutorial on marvin
> also has this information on how to generate your own style of
> deployment. [1]
> [1]
> > - A hardcoded API/secret key for admin, so that I don't have to go click
> > through to create/get it, and can instead just use the same thing every
> > time.
> The regular setup of the simulator can be followed by a couple of
> cloudmonkey (ACS CLI) commands to achieve this.
> >
> > - At least one available simulator template (best-case would be Ubuntu
> > 10.04 or 12.04) that can be "booted up" out of the box - for whatever
> > reason (I honestly can't tell, from the brief dive I did through the
> code),
> > all the builtin templates come up with isready=false in the listTemplates
> > output, which makes jclouds think there are no templates, etc, etc... I
> > thought this is because they're all in Allocated state, not Ready, but
> even
> > changing them to Ready in the DB didn't do the trick.
> The guest OS is something that doesn't matter to the simulator.
> Whatever you ask for will be deployed. One limitation of the simulator
> is that it keeps CloudStack 'happy' by telling it it's got whatever is
> requested. So any negative scenarios will be harder to test without a
> change in the simulator.
> The templates issue still exists but with cloudmonkey you can register
> your template and it will come to ready state:
> cloudmonkey>> register template format=RAW hypervisor=Simulator
> isfeatured=true ispublic=true name=tiny displaytext=tiny url=
> zoneid=55318568-8d4b-412c-8c10-82f47651eb51
> >
> > - A fake host for starting fake instances on - this may already be there,
> > but I never got far enough to be sure.
> Which tutorial are you following to get through this?
> Here's the right link:
> >
> > The above would at least get me able to run the most recent set of live
> > tests I've been working on (testing the new CloudStack implementation of
> > jclouds' cross-compute abstraction for image creation/destruction), but
> in
> > the longer term, I'd absolutely love to be able to run our whole suite
> > against the simulator - obviously, it'd just be an approximation of the
> > real thing, and I'd still try to find real existing ACS setups to finagle
> > access to in order to run the tests against real, live setups, but
> anything
> > I can automate is a huge win for jclouds, and I imagine it'd be very
> useful
> > for libcloud, deltacloud, fog, etc as well!
> >
> thanks - indeed it will be. I hope to hear more from your tests.
> --
> Prasanna.,
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