I like,

thanks for starting this discussion.
Please ignore the rest of this mail as it is not of any consequence.

As a folowup, I would like ti propose to move any peace of code to branches
if it meets the  qualifications you mention; not (full) functional, not
production ready. And i would like to add not fully tested an not fully
tested. Ofcourse we can only migrate in that dirrection, unfortunately. As
a newbee on this codebase it would help a lot knowing that any code on
master is actually functional. Meaning that coveragetests could help. This
is me@devchair talking, i will probably be countered by collegues having
real user issues.
This is also an incentive to document and test, for those rhat want to
guard their niche functionality and an incentive to isolate code for easy
cherrypicking whilst not done.
Hi all,

So we've run into a couple of features that have turned out to have
never really been "production grade", perhaps due to their creation as
prototypes during the cloud.com startup period.  Swift, Bare metal
provisioning and OVM are examples.  Bare metal is obviously resolved
now, but Swift is an open discussion and OVM remains open for someone to
decide to fix it.

I'd like to propose that those devs that have been around this code-base
from before it's entry into Apache take some time to review things from
the past.  What else is lurking in the repo that some of us might
*think* are functional, but that haven't been tested in years?  What
code was a prototype that never got fully implemented / supported?

If we can get all this out in the open, perhaps we can have a solid
foundation to move forward.

On the other hand, if nobody has any examples beyond the ones listed
below, then I think that those of us that are relatively new to the code
will have to work under the assumption that everything is expected to be

After we establish our foundation, we will need to be very consistent
about our support of the features.  We'll need to be clear about
intentions to deprecate something, and perhaps even provide a full
feature release cycle worth of warning about a pending deprecation.

As a user, I not been stung by a feature that was yanked... but I was
certainly surprised when I found out that OVM and Bare Metal weren't
being kept up to date (again, bare metal is resolved now).  Those
features were part of our evaluation of the software, and me $dayjob has
plans to at least use bare metal.

So why did I share that little story?  Well, it's because features
coming and going are actually significant events to users of the
software.  Just because we don't know of someone using a feature doesn't
mean that it isn't in use.  I'd like us to have that solid foundation as
a start, and then be very clear when we need/want to make a decision
that removes a feature from the software.


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