test-matrix (smoke/bvt) has been disabled.
test-matrix-extended (regression) enabled every 4 hours.


On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 04:34:26PM +0530, Prasanna Santhanam wrote:
> Reviving this effort starting today:
> I'm going to switch the test infra to run regression tests only for
> the next couple of weeks. So far the BVTs have been running and we
> have good success rate on them. It's time to start fixing the
> regression tests as well since that constitutes the bulk of cloudstack
> features. 
> The pace has been quite slow because these run only once a week and we
> end up waiting a whole week to see the fixes we make.
> People who would like to contribute to this effort can join on the IRC
> meeting today for any issues/pointers they will need to fix the
> failures. The test runs are available on jenkins.bacd.org and the report
> is available along with logs from here:
> http://jenkins.buildacloud.org/view/cloudstack-qa/job/test-regression-matrix/
> Thanks,
> On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 08:03:34AM +0530, Prasanna Santhanam wrote:
> > The regression failure rate has been quite high and the failures are
> > mostly related to test scripts. Let's please focus with high priority
> > on fixing as many as we can by the next run ie Wednesday. I would like
> > to see the failure rates reduce by the 4.2 release cut on 6/28
> > 
> > http://jenkins.buildacloud.org/view/cloudstack-qa/job/test-regression-matrix/23/testReport/?
> > 
> > Our BVTs are more or less well sorted now. Rayees and Talluri will be
> > focussing if there are any remaining failures and reporting bugs and
> > applying patches where they can.
> > 
> > Girish and I will be working on the regression failures. There are too
> > many of them so I won't be filing bugs. Instead, please watch the
> > jenkins report and pick the fixes you intend to make. If you intend to
> > work on a fix, please file a bug report and work on the patch so we
> > don't have overlaps.
> > 
> > After that we need to focus on reducing the lag in the runs which are
> > at about 7hr now. The more tests we add, the slower this gets. We
> > might think about consolidating all our infrastructure to accomadate
> > runs on all hypervisors.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > -- 
> > Prasanna.,
> > 
> > ------------------------
> > Powered by BigRock.com
> -- 
> Prasanna.,
> ------------------------
> Powered by BigRock.com


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