Yes and I've been doing it for months assigning reviewers, adding
comments. In some cases I've also added possible contributors who are
working in that area because committers are too "busy" to respond.

Hate to be the pessimist around here but even upon adding reviewers I
don't see any response. So we likely don't really care for what
contributors are doing beyond our own silo of work. IF you like I can
pick out several reviews that have been sitting around for months with
no response from reviewers.

It's unhealthy to say the least and I don't see adding reviewers to a
patch going to help if we don't change our attitude about pro-actively
reviewing areas of code that interest and/or break what we're working
on. Also I sense this power to assign reviewers is becoming like the
"Reply-To" thread where one doesnt respond until called-out for. I
hope it isn't

When you see a new contributor the best boost they get from
contributing more and more is when the community cares/bothers to
review their work because they painfully worked on it. And that's
confirmation to the fact that their work is useful and welcome.
Committers more so should become "maintainers" like in the LKML
shepherding and mentoring new contributors to become committers so
they can leave behind their body of work and take this project to new
levels, adding robust architecture, features, making it more and more
solid and the best damn cloud orchestrator out there.

On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 03:02:23PM -0700, Sheng Yang wrote:
> Or only submitter can modify it?
> I find it would be useful if we identify the people who need to review it
> after it's submitted.
> --Sheng


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