I don't believe this is a bad testcase.  It's to force the code path on cleanup 
procedure before a domain is properly deleted.  

If this was a unit-test I would say there's no point.  For a 
systems/integration test, the testcase makes sense.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Prasanna Santhanam [mailto:t...@apache.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 10:33 PM
> To: CloudStack Dev
> Subject: [rant] stupid test cases
> I was just going through one of the automated test cases and I find it really
> silly that there's the following test:
> def test_forceDeleteDomain(self):
>         """ Test delete domain force option"""
>         # Steps for validations
>         # 1. create a domain DOM
>         # 2. create 2 users under this domain
>         # 3. deploy 1 VM into each of these user accounts
>         # 4. create PF / FW rules for port 22 on these VMs for their
>         #    respective accounts
>         # 5. delete the domain with force=true option
>         # Validate the following
>         # 1. listDomains should list the created domain
>         # 2. listAccounts should list the created accounts
>         # 3. listvirtualmachines should show the Running VMs
>         # 4. PF and FW rules should be shown in listFirewallRules
>         # 5. domain should delete successfully and above three list calls
>         #    should show all the resources now deleted. listRouters should
>         #    not return any routers in the deleted accounts/domains
> Why would one need the overhead of creating VMs in a domain deletion test?
> Do we not understand that the basics accounts/domains/ etc that cloudstack
> has nothing to do with the virtual machines? This kind of a test slows down
> other useful tests that we could be running. More over when this fails in the
> VM creation step I'd have to go in and analyse logs to realize that
> deletedomain was perhaps fine but vm creation has failed.
> That's a pointless effort. I'm sure there are others in the automated tests
> that do this kind of wasteful testing. So please please pleaes &*()#@()#
> please review test plans before automating them!
> I'm not going to be looking at this forever to fix these issues when we want
> to see pretty metrics and numbers.
> --
> Prasanna.,
> ------------------------
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