On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 12:06:31PM +0200, Hugo Trippaers wrote:
> The job is running on jenkins.cloudstack.org
> This is de job doing the work:
> http://jenkins.cloudstack.org/view/management/job/mgmt-build-reviewboard-requests/
> This is the job being executed with the patch:
> http://jenkins.cloudstack.org/view/master/job/cloudstack-master-with-patch/
> I really like the pipeline ideas, but we need to be careful with the
> timing and the external factors influencing builds. If we run
> complex chains there is a possibility that jobs will fail due to
> external factors. This would reflect badly on reviewboard as that
> review would be marked as "bad" for a reason that has nothing to do
> with the patch itself.
> For now i would like to stick with just the unit tests (master
> build) and when this proves stable we can add other builds in the
> chain?

Works for me. I'm wondering how long it is taking right now for a
patch to undergo full build + unittests on it.  Saw quite a few
patches being PASSED by jenkins on rb.

Also I want to ensure that we don't 'Ship' the patch based on the
jenkins 'Ship it'. Only that the patch compiles successfully and is
good to be reviewed by a human reviewer. I know that's common sense,
but just wanted to spell it out.



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