Not sure. I don't think it will break anything to remove this check.

On 7/24/13 3:04 AM, "Soheil Eizadi" <> wrote:

>Created Jira bug against this, was going to submit a UI patch:
>From: Soheil Eizadi []
>Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2013 6:36 PM
>Subject: DNS Network Domain
>I found that the DNS Network Domain set for Basic Networking is not
>getting passed down to Network Plugins. I am trying to figure out how DNS
>Network Domain is suppose to work for my plugin integration.
>I was getting a NULL value for Basic Networking for the DNS Domain even
>though I had set a value for it in the Wizard. After I set the value in
>the database, it seems to be working but wanted to understand why it was
>not set,I found code in the system that enforces this behavior, when I
>try to set it from the API.
>More detail logs .....
> The Domain is set in the Zone Setting to
>> list zones
>count = 1
>name = testzone
>domain =
>It does not get passed down to the attached network.
>API call "list networks" missing networkdomain field as it is NULL.
>> list networks
>count = 1
>id = 1065fff0-a6e2-410a-94d5-50bc72f879db
>name = defaultGuestNetwork
>acltype = Domain
>broadcastdomaintype = Native
>I also tried to set it using API to set the value but get exception:
>ERROR [cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-20:job-20)
>Unexpected exception while executing
> NetworkOffering and
>domain suffix upgrade can be perfomed for Isolated networks only
>Exception from here:
>        // network offering and domain suffix can be updated for Isolated
>networks only in 3.0
>        if ((networkOfferingId != null || domainSuffix != null) &&
>network.getGuestType() != GuestType.Isolated) {
>            throw new InvalidParameterValueException("NetworkOffering and
>domain suffix upgrade can be perfomed for Isolated networks only");
>        }
>I've patched the database and it works for me, trying to understand why
>we have code to prevent it?
>> list networks
>count = 1
>id = 1065fff0-a6e2-410a-94d5-50bc72f879db
>name = defaultGuestNetwork
>networkdomain =
>INFO  [network.element.InfobloxElement] (consoleproxy-1:)
>InfobloxDeviceElement called to prepare Host Name soheil-test with DNS
>Domain Gateway null Netmask null with MAC 06:97:84:00:00:16 with

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