
I can now open the UI on port 5050, but when I try to log in I get "Login Failed".  I had done these steps previously with no error messages:
1. mvn -Pdeveloper,systemvm clean install
2. mvn -P developer -pl developer -Ddeploydb
========> WARNING: Provided file does not exist: /opt/cloudstack/developer/../utils/conf/db.properties.override ========> WARNING: Provided file does not exist: /opt/cloudstack/developer/developer-prefill.sql.override ========> Initializing database=cloud with host=localhost port=3306 username=cloud password=cloud
============> Running query: drop database if exists `cloud`
============> Running query: create database `cloud`
============> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`localhost` identified by 'cloud' ============> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`%` identified by 'cloud'
============> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to 'cloud'@`localhost`
============> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud.* to 'cloud'@`%`
========> Initializing database=cloud_usage with host=localhost port=3306 username=cloud password=cloud
============> Running query: drop database if exists `cloud_usage`
============> Running query: create database `cloud_usage`
============> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`localhost` identified by 'cloud' ============> Running query: CREATE USER IF NOT EXISTS cloud@`%` identified by 'cloud' ============> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to 'cloud'@`localhost`
============> Running query: GRANT ALL ON cloud_usage.* to 'cloud'@`%`
========> Processing SQL file at /opt/cloudstack/developer/target/db/create-schema.sql ========> Processing SQL file at /opt/cloudstack/developer/target/db/create-schema-premium.sql ========> Processing SQL file at /opt/cloudstack/developer/target/db/templates.sql ========> Processing SQL file at /opt/cloudstack/developer/developer-prefill.sql
========> Processing upgrade: com.cloud.upgrade.DatabaseUpgradeChecker
3. mvn -pl :cloud-client-ui jetty:run
4. Then I did what is written here https://github.com/apache/cloudstack/tree/main/ui#cloudstack-ui
    with echo 'CS_URL=' > .env.local
5. opened in Firefox
6. entered "admin" for Username and "password" for Password, leaving "Domain" empty
7. pressed "Login" and received "Login Failed" (firewalld is disabled)

What am I doing wrong?

On 12/4/23 15:37, Pearl d'Silva wrote:

Once you've setup CloudStack and built the UI following the steps 
mentionedhttps://github.com/apache/cloudstack/tree/main/ui#cloudstack-ui  , 
you'd be able to access the UI at port 5050.

From: Ronald Feicht<ronald.fei...@scsynergy.de>
Sent: December 4, 2023 9:32 AM
To:dev@cloudstack.apache.org  <dev@cloudstack.apache.org>
Subject: You're in developer mode, please build and run UI using npm. when 
building CloudStack from source


I have followed
to build CloudStack 4.19 from source but when I connect to  I only get

"You're in developer mode, please build and run UI using npm."

I built the UI using npm, but that did not change anything. What am I
doing wrong?

*sc synergy GmbH*
Hilgestrasse 14 | 55294 Bodenheim | Deutschland
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