> On July 19, 2013, 4:56 p.m., Chiradeep Vittal wrote:
> > scripts/vm/network/vnet/modifyvxlan.sh, line 28
> > <https://reviews.apache.org/r/12623/diff/2/?file=323001#file323001line28>
> >
> >     I think there is a need to prevent the guest vm from spoofing the 
> > multicast?
> Toshiaki Hatano wrote:
>     We don't need to.
>     VM can only see Inner Frame of VXLAN packet.
>     VXLAN uses multicast for Outer Packet that VM cannot see or manipulate.
>     Below is bridging diagram within KVM host.
>     InnerFrame: VM <-> eth*|vnet* <-> brethX-Y <-> vxlanY
>                                                      || (*1)                  
>     OuterPacket:                                   cloudbr* <-> eth* ==> 
> Outside of the Host   
>     All frame that VM sent are encapsulated at (*1).
>     Almost frames are mapped to unicast here, since vxlanY interface learns 
> mapping between other VMs' MAC address and Hosts IP address.
>     Only when vxlanY interface haven't learned mapping yet or inner frame is 
> multicast or unicast frame, vxlanY interface uses multicast group statically 
> assigned at line 33 of modifyvxlan.sh.
>     Multicast group is assigned statically to vxlan interface of host, so VM 
> cannot spoof multicast group.
> Chiradeep Vittal wrote:
>     Yes, I agree.
>     What about throttling multicasts to prevent broadcast/multicast storms 
> (using ebtables for example)?

I think throttling is possible and good to have.
But I see some difficulty in implementation.
E.g. What is valid threshold, limit per VM or per vNet, how to match all BUM 
traffic without having false positive, etc...

I'll put it in TODO list of the patch.

On July 19, 2013, 4:56 p.m., Toshiaki Hatano wrote:
> > I just wanted to make sure that you have tested your patch with regular 
> > VLANs as well. 
> > And, what the behavior will be when VxLAN is enabled in the zone, but only 
> > Xen / VMW hypervisors are there
> > Also, some documentation on how the cloud operator can get this feature 
> > (KVM version/Which version of Centos/Ubuntu/etc), configuration of 
> > switches, bridges, etc would be useful.
> Toshiaki Hatano wrote:
>     Yes, I did same test with regular VLANs and it works fine.
>     I don't have Xen nor VMWare to test with, but as far as I read the code...
>     Xen-agent would rise CloudRuntimeException("Unable to support this type 
> of network broadcast domain: " + nic.getBroadcastUri()) in 
> com.cloud.hypervisor.xen.resource.CitrixResourceBase.getNetwork(Connection, 
> NicTO) before they actually submit VIF.create to hypervisor.
>     VMWare-agent would warn("Unrecognized broadcast type in VmwareResource, 
> type: " + nicTo.getBroadcastType().toString() + ". Use vlan info from 
> labeling: " + defaultVlan) in 
> com.cloud.hypervisor.vmware.resource.VmwareResource.getVlanInfo(NicTO, 
> String) and assign vlan interface with defultVlan instead of VXLAN.
>     In short, Xen-agent handle unknown isolation type as error and don't 
> start VM.
>     VMWare-agent just ignore unknown isolation type and start VM with default 
>     Yes, I will write documentation.
>     Is that requirement for this patch to be committed?
> Chiradeep Vittal wrote:
>     Generally speaking we need documentation. We have so many network plugins 
> committed without any documentation, that *IMHO* renders them useless. QA is 
> not able to include these test cases because they do not understand the 
> feature. Developers will break compatibility because they do not know how to 
> replicate / test the feature. And docs will ignore it because they have never 
> heard of it.
>     Re: compatibility with other hypervisors, can you bring up this issue on 
> the dev mailing list and we can discuss a better solution there?
>     Otherwise the patch is good.

Re: documentation
I agree.
I started writing documentation in publican format.
Once it's done, I'll submit it too.

Re: compatibility
Sure, I'll submit it.

Thanks for the review!

- Toshiaki

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On July 23, 2013, 6:45 a.m., Toshiaki Hatano wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> https://reviews.apache.org/r/12623/
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated July 23, 2013, 6:45 a.m.)
> Review request for cloudstack, Alena Prokharchyk, Chiradeep Vittal, Murali 
> Reddy, Hugo Trippaers, and Sheng Yang.
> Bugs: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLOUDSTACK-2328
> Repository: cloudstack-git
> Description
> -------
> CLOUDSTACK-2328: Linux native VXLAN support on KVM hypervisor
> Initial patch for VXLAN support.
> Fully functional, hopefully, for GuestNetwork - AdvancedZone.
> Patch Note:
>  in cloudstack-server
> - Add isolation method VXLAN
> - Add VxlanGuestNetworkGuru as plugin for VXLAN isolation
> - Modify NetworkServiceImpl to handle extended vNet range for VXLAN isolation
> - Add VXLAN isolation option in zoneWizard UI
>  in cloudstack-agent (kvm)
> - Add modifyvxlan.sh script that handle bridge/vxlan interface manipulation 
> script
> -- Usage is exactly same to modifyvlan.sh
> - BridgeVifDriver will call modifyvxlan.sh instead of modifyvlan.sh when 
> VXLAN is used for isolation
> Database changes:
> - No change in database structure.
> - VXLAN isolation uses same tables that VLAN uses to store vNet allocation 
> status.
> Known Issue:
> - Some resource still says 'VLAN' in log even if VXLAN is used
> - in UI, "Network - GuestNetworks" dosen't display VNI
> -- VLAN ID field displays "N/A"
> Diffs
> -----
>   api/src/com/cloud/network/Networks.java c76c3d4 
>   api/src/com/cloud/network/PhysicalNetwork.java f6cb1a6 
>   client/pom.xml 32ab94a 
>   client/tomcatconf/componentContext.xml.in 1fbec61 
> plugins/hypervisors/kvm/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/kvm/resource/BridgeVifDriver.java
>  195cf40 
> plugins/hypervisors/kvm/src/com/cloud/hypervisor/kvm/resource/LibvirtComputingResource.java
>  571bcc8 
>   plugins/network-elements/vxlan/pom.xml PRE-CREATION 
> plugins/network-elements/vxlan/src/com/cloud/network/guru/VxlanGuestNetworkGuru.java
> plugins/network-elements/vxlan/test/com/cloud/network/guru/VxlanGuestNetworkGuruTest.java
>   plugins/pom.xml ff1e9c9 
>   scripts/vm/network/vnet/modifyvlan.sh 8ed3905 
>   scripts/vm/network/vnet/modifyvxlan.sh PRE-CREATION 
>   server/src/com/cloud/network/NetworkManagerImpl.java 30c4242 
>   server/src/com/cloud/network/NetworkServiceImpl.java 23bed01 
>   ui/scripts/ui-custom/zoneWizard.js bba6c04 
> Diff: https://reviews.apache.org/r/12623/diff/
> Testing
> -------
> #) Test set up
> - Components
>   - 1x management server
>   - 1x nfs storage
>   - 3x Linux KVM host
>   -- CentOS 6.4 based
>   -- Replace kernel by version 3.8.13, VXLAN kernel module built as loadable 
> module
>   -- Replace iproute2 by version iproute2-ss130430
>   -- BridgeVifDriver (Default)
> 1. create advanced zone from zone wizard without security group option
> 2. select hypervisor: KVM
> 3. assign Guest network to separated physical network, isolated by VXLAN
>    specify bridge name (traffic label) for Guest network, this bridge should 
> have IPv4 address (global/private both are OK).
> 4. assign Guest vNet range 10000-20000
> 5. other parameter are normal
> 6. add 2 more hosts into same zone/pod/cluster after zone wizard is finished
> #) Test case 1: start/stop VR
> 1. Create network offering, same configuration as 
> DefaultIsolatedNetworkOfferingWithSourceNatService but persistent
> 2. Create network with network offering which is created in step 0
> 3. Confirm VR is started and bridge/vxlan device created on host
> 4. Delete network which is created in step 1
> 5. Confirm VR is deleted and bridge/vxlan device deleted on host
> #) Test case 2: start/stop an instance (VR is on same host)
> 1. Add an instance from UI, create network during wizard.
> 2. Confirm VM and VR are on the same host
> 3. Confirm it's pingable from VM to VR
> 4. Confirm it's pingable from VM to public network (after opening Egress rule)
> 5. Destroy instance
> 6. Confirm bridge/vxlan device is still on the host
> 7. Delete network after the VM is expunged
> 8. Confirm VR are deleted and bridge/vxlan device deleted on the host
> #) Test case 3: start/stop an instance (VR is on different host)
> 1. Add an instance from UI, create network during wizard.
> 2. Confirm VM and VR are on the different host
> 3. Confirm it's pingable from VM to VR
> 4. Confirm it's pingable from VM to public network (after opening Egress rule)
> 5. Destroy instance, wait for expunging, then delete network
> 6. Confirm VM and VR are deleted and bridge/vxlan device deleted on both host
> #) Test case 4: migrate instance
> 1. Add an instance from UI, create network during wizard.
> 2. Open Egress rule on the network
> 3. Migrate VM from host (A) to empty host (B)
> 4. Confirm it's pingable from VM to public network
> 5. Migrate VM from host (B) to host (C) that has VR
> 6. Confirm it's pingable from VM to public network
> 7. Confirm bridge/vxlan device deleted on the host (B)
> 8. Migrate VM from (C) to empty host (A)
> 9. Confirm it's pingable from VM to public network
> #) Test case 5: plug/unplug Nic
> 1. Add an instance from UI, create network during wizard.
> 2. Create additional network
> 3. Add NIC for network created in step 2 to the VM
> 4. Confirm it's pingable from VM to public network by using both side of NICs
> 5. Delete NIC created in step 3
> 6. Confirm bridge/vxlan device deleted on the host
> Thanks,
> Toshiaki Hatano

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