things are falling into place in slow-motion. Thanks Alex! And Soheil
for bringing this up. Let's have a hack session on this at the next

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 10:10 PM, Alex Huang <> wrote:
> I'll say it's a bad design.  He he.... I designed it.  :(  We had to make 
> some compromises due to time constraints.
> I always intended to move the ip allocation into NetworkGurus and actually 
> attempted to several times but, at the end for various reasons, we just 
> couldn't complete that task.  I generally believe that ip address allocation 
> can actually be done even without CloudStack's database, for example, if it 
> came from a master dhcp server or some IT central database.  So an interface 
> like IpAddressReserver to abstract that functionality would be great.
> I have to say the number of implementations for NetworkGuru grew faster than 
> I expected.  In one sense, it's a good sign that everyone was able to use it 
> but then it exposes the work that was incomplete to begin with.
> IIRC, there's basically two problems I left on NetworkGuru to be better 
> designed.  One is this ip address allocation.  The other problem is how to 
> identify which set of NetworkGurus should manage the network.  I believe that 
> selection process should be much more transparent to the administrator who 
> setup the CS deployment but because at the time only VLAN isolation was 
> supported, I did not put that into CS.  As more and more SDN technologies 
> come online, it's best we design that process.  I think Hugo made some 
> changes there but I haven't had a chance to study how that all works now in 
> 4.x yet.
> There are some artifacts in the code to show I was thinking about this.  For 
> example, Network and Nic carries the Isolation URI instead of just VLAN tag 
> because it was intended to be cast by the NetworkGuru and then transported to 
> the hypervisor.  We expected anyone who plugs into CloudStack have two places 
> to plug into:  orchestration and actual provisioning.  So the NetworkGuru 
> forms the URI for isolation and then it has code at the hypervisor side to 
> resolve the URI to something that the hypervisor can understand.
> --Alex
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Soheil Eizadi []
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 11:54 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: RE: IP Address Allocation
>> Agree that the IP Address allocation is different than the DHCP and DNS
>> service offered by the NetworkElements.
>> The third party NetworkGurus just reference the standard NetworkManager
>> IP Address Allocation routines, either directly (e.g.
>> _networkMgr.assignPublicIpAddress()) or by calling out to the
>> GuestNetworkGuru. I would say in the current design the Network Manager
>> manages the IP Addresses not the Network Gurus. I don't think this is a bad
>> design, in that the NetworkGurus are sharing the same  ip address allocation
>> and get new features (e.g. IP reservation or VM migration) without
>> implementing new code to support them.
>> -Soheil
>> ________________________________________
>> From: Alex Huang []
>> Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 11:27 AM
>> To: Chiradeep Vittal;
>> Subject: RE: IP Address Allocation
>> We can either break NetworkManager down further and say NetworkGuru
>> sets the actual parameters of the network and a new IpAddressReserver
>> sets the ip address or we can let NetworkGurus identify the
>> IpAddressReserver to use themselves.  I generally think NetworkManager
>> shouldn't care where the ip address came from because it really shouldn't
>> know anything about the actual network we're laying out for the end user.
>> That's always been left to the NetworkGurus.  If you think about it from that
>> perspective, then it's natural that ip address is allocated by the 
>> NetworkGuru.
>> But I can see different NetworkGurus may want to share the same ip address
>> allocation tables/schemes so an interface for them to share that code does
>> make sense.
>> Note there's a difference between allocating ip address and the act of
>> actually issuing the ip address and associating the ip address to a fqdn.  
>> That
>> act is performed by the network elements.  Here we're specifically saying
>> who is responsible for figuring out the ip address that can be allocated to a
>> particular vm and works within a network.
>> --Alex
>> > -----Original Message-----
>> > From: Chiradeep Vittal
>> > Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2013 11:14 AM
>> > To:
>> > Cc: Alex Huang
>> > Subject: Re: IP Address Allocation
>> >
>> > The way the gurus are consulted for network design and reservation
>> > makes it difficult to put this inside a guru.
>> > However it does seem odd to put this inside an element. Perhaps we
>> > need a 3rd type (IpAddressReserver?)
>> >
>> >
>> > On 8/6/13 10:42 AM, "Soheil Eizadi" <> wrote:
>> >
>> > >The NetworkGuru does a lot more than IP address allocation, e.g.
>> > >handle the Layer2/3 networking unique to the particular vendor. There
>> > >are a lot of NetworkElements providing their own NetworkGuru plugins
>> > >(Nicira, MidoNet, ...) extending the standard CloudStack Gurus.
>> > >
>> > >The feature of providing IP Address Allocation, DHCP and DNS is
>> > >common for all these networks, so rather than provide our own Guru
>> > >the proposed design would allow the above functions to coexist with
>> > >existing
>> > Gurus.
>> > >
>> > >-Soheil
>> > >________________________________________
>> > >From: Murali Reddy []
>> > >Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 3:24 AM
>> > >To:
>> > >Subject: Re: IP Address Allocation
>> > >
>> > >On 06/08/13 8:59 AM, "Soheil Eizadi" <> wrote:
>> > >
>> > >>One way to achieve this behavior is to have a call out in
>> > >>prepareNic() to the NetworkElements before the call to the
>> > >>NetworkGuru allowing the NetworkElement to update the Nic Profile.
>> > >>In this use case the Network Element would suggest an IP Address. In
>> > >>the use case below the IP Address would be updated by the
>> > >>NetworkElement. There is logic in getIp(), the current IP Allocation
>> > >>that handles the case where the Nic Profile already has an IP
>> > >>Address. This needs to be updated to handle this
>> > new use case.
>> > >>The current use case assume that the VM had already been prepared
>> > once
>> > >>and has an IP Address allocated that could be reused.
>> > >>
>> > >>Does anyone see a problem with this approach?
>> > >
>> > >Purpose of Guru (to design the network) and Element (implement the
>> > >network) are different. Right way would be for your plug-in to
>> > >implement both network Guru and element and let the guru do the IP
>> > >address allocation.
>> > >
>> > >>-Soheil
>> > >>________________________________________
>> > >>From: Soheil Eizadi []
>> > >>Sent: Monday, August 05, 2013 2:35 PM
>> > >>To:
>> > >>Subject: IP Address Allocation
>> > >>
>> > >>I am trying to figure out what would be the proper way for a Plugin
>> > >>to interact with the CloudStack VM deployment and provide an
>> > >>authoritative IP Address from its database versus the local
>> > >>CloudStack database. It looks like the NetworkElements are not
>> > >>presented an opportunity to provide an IP Address and you must
>> > >>develop a NetworkGuru to provide this function. There is some
>> > >>customization of the IP Address designed into the Secondary NICs (see
>> allocateGuestIP()).
>> > >>-Soheil
>> > >>
>> > >
>> > >

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