
We are now 12 days from ACS 4.2 code RC on 8/19. There is vibrant activity in 
filing and fixing issues. Incoming issue continue to be high resulting in 
blockers and critical in 80+. In order to clear up our backlog I request you to 
help out on aggressively fixing the issues. The unassigned issue list is 
available at When you fix a bug in 4.2 please make 
sure it is also fixed in master. 

The detailed bug status is captured below. 

  Bugs            | Last Week                            | Two Weeks Ago        
                  |   Blocker   Critical   Major   Total |   Blocker   Critical 
  Major   Total  
  Incoming        |        48         87      29     171 |        29         48 
     64     144
  Outgoing        |        58         95      23     180 |        37         68 
     51     159
  Open Unassigned |         5         14     104     183 |         6         13 
    149     208
  Open Total      |        27         60     179     327 |        24         68 
    239     392

The status for features or improvement is depicted in table below

| New Features / Improvements | Today     | Two Weeks |
| Closed                      |        16 |        13 |
| Resolved                    |        63 |        60 |
| In Progress                 |         7 |         9 |
| Reopened                    |         2 |         2 |
| Ready To Review             |         0 |         0 |
| Open                        |        19 |        18 |
| Total                       |       107 |       102 |

I had sent out a reminder yesterday please review your tickets and move the 
ones that are not ready for 4.2

You can always visit the 4.2 Release dashboard for the 
current status.


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