On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 04:48:02PM -0700, Darren Shepherd wrote:
> It seems like on startup of the management server
> DatabaseUpgradeChecker runs and upgrades the database performing DDL
> and DML.  Is there a way to upgrade the database that doesn't
> include starting the management server?

This would be a *massive* boon to all the upgrade testing. Running the
upgrade without having the server to be up using a db versioning tool
like liquibase/dbmaintain. This had come up before and I remember
talking to Alex who had explored such tools and found them unsuitable
at the time.

There are parts of the upgrade that alter database rows (IIRC) which
is done using java code. These run only when the server is running and
cause this coupling. These are file that start Upgrade*.java


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